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I load my car with the packed bags. I don't know how long I will be staying or if I'll be staying at all but Lola would make me either way.

So here I am.

I close the boot of my car and walk back to the front of my house where she awaits. She stands teary-eyed but doesn't dare to look at me. Instead, she looks up at the sky like she'll get comfort that way.

"Savannah." I whisper.

A tear falls.

"Savannah." A little louder.

Another tear falls.

"Look at me, Anna." I say, using her nickname to her weakness.

She looks at me. Her eyes are red and her cheeks are puffy and it pains me to look at her like that.

I'll be leaving someone so dear to me and I don't know for how long.

I can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu from the whole situation. I'm causing pain to a close one by my departure. The only difference is, here I'm saying goodbye.

"I'll be back." I say since I didn't know what else to, one thing's for sure that I will not be saying goodbye to Savannah forever. I've learnt from that mistake.

She hugs me, tight. I hug her back and kiss the top of her forehead.

* * *

I check in at the hotel, knowing I won't have anywhere else to go.

I left early in the morning, so it's the late afternoon now.

I decide to visit some addresses that Lola gave me, seeing as there are a lot. I needed this feeling to go away, to leave me alone. I wanted it to let me rest but I also wanted to see my Emma again.

The Emma that I couldn't forget in all these years.

The next day...

"Still no luck." I speak as I continue to drive around.

"How many places have you been to?"

"Four so far, the ones today were quite close to each other so I got through quite a bit. Plus, seeing as I couldn't sleep, as usual, I got up at dawn."

Lola sighs into the phone. She takes a minute pause before she speaks again, "Listen, I think you should take a break. Just go rest or something, maybe visit old places- you did live there once upon a time. Once your mind is clear, we can try again. I'll send some more addresses."

"You're right. Thanks for your help, Lola."

"Anything to help you Issac. Everything will be okay, trust me."

"I do."

"Good, now I have to go. Aaron is taking me on a date and I need to start getting ready! Bye."

"Bye." And she hangs up.

I turn the engine of my car off as I think about the places I could visit.

Lola was right, I did live here before so I should have somewhere to go to.

I think, but only one place comes to mind.

* * *

Author's Note: How'd ya like it? So, you have the name! 




In case you missed it :P

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