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I tap my feet on the floor impatiently as I stare at my watch. It's 5.46pm and almost time to leave for Emma's dinner.

"How much longer?" I call from my seat on the couch.

"Five minutes!"

"You said that twenty minutes ago!" I sigh and Lola walks in with two drinks in her hand.

She gives me one, "Still not ready yet?"

I shake my head, "No, Aaron is being a diva and taking his flipping time," I then call out again, "Aaron hurry your ass up!"

He doesn't reply so I get up to call him, but Lola stops me. She gets up instead and walks into their bedroom, where Aaron has been for the past hour and a half. Normally, I don't eavesdrop but their conversation was so loud that I had no choice.

"Aaron, are you going to see the Queen? Why are you taking so long to get ready?"

"I don't have anything to wear!"

"Stop being childish, just put something on." Lola's clearly annoyed, I laugh. "Issac, stop laughing!" Wow, she has good hearing.

"I don't know what look Emma wants me to go for. Or does she want a specific colour theme?"

"Aaron, just put something on or I'll make sure the colour theme is the last thing on your mind."


"Issac, shut the hell up!" They both simultaneously say. Geez.

* * *

"How does my shirt look?" Aaron asks me as he straightens his navy button down shirt.

"It looks lovely." I reply with a smile.

"Can you two stop flirting please?" Lola exasperates as she speed walks down Emma's driveway. We're fifteen minutes late thanks to the drama queen who is better known as Aaron. Aaron mutters, she's jealous as we follow his girlfriend. She rings the doorbell and we patiently wait.

Emma opens the door, looking lovely as expected. Her hair is styled into waves and she's wearing a beige dress pared with black heels. She looks so grown up but her eyes sparkle. That makes me smile.

After hugging Aaron and squealing with Lola (Aaron and I blocked our ears), Emma turns to me, "Hey." I say.

"Hi," she laughs her adorable laugh and goes in for a hug, "Thank you." She whispers in my ear.

"For what?" I whisper back.

"For being you and for giving me good advice." She pulls away from the hug and I smile.

"No need Emma, it's all you."

We walk inside where Diesel is sitting and I greet him, as do Aaron and Lola. Diesel then leads us to the dining table and we all take a seat while Emma goes into the kitchen to get our drinks and food.

The table is an eight seater, with three either side and two on the shorter ends. I take a seat opposite Aaron who is sitting beside Lola. Diesel sits at the head of the table and Emma comes back, taking the seat next to me.

She places the food on the table, "Tuck in guys."

* * *

"I'm stuffed, thanks for the food Em-pop," says Aaron as he rubs his belly.

"Hey, it's no problem. By the way, don't call me Em-pop, Ron."

"But why Em-pop?" He says with a teasing smile.

Emma rolls her eyes and picks up the bowls to take them into the kitchen. I help her out too.

"I have something special to show you guys tonight." She says, looking at me with a wide grin. It warms me from within.

"What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see," She smirks and puts the bowls to the side, then goes back inside where everyone else is now seated on the couches. I follow her, a little worried about what's to come. "Alright guys!" She claps her hand in excitement, "I have something very important to show you."

"What is it?" Lola asks as she puts her phone down.

"Yeah babe, what is it?" Diesel repeats. I sit down opposite him.

I don't bother seeing as Emma ignores them both as she goes over to her desk and picks up her laptop. She holds it up, "We're watching some old videos!"

Everyone groans and I just laugh. Emma doesn't know what's going to come.

"Okay, let's get this started!" Aaron smiles.

"Aaron babe, we took some pretty embarrassing videos of you too."

"Oh crap."

* * *

The first video was off none other than Emma and I. It was of us at the age of eight, playing in the park. Emma was on the swing and I was pushing her, all while trying to push back my sunhat that was way too big for me. Thanks Mum.

"Always the gentleman, weren't you Issac?" Lola smirks, I roll my eyes.

"Of course he is. He's always gentlemanlike with me!" Aaron exclaims as he wraps an arm around Lola's shoulders.

"Shut up babe."

We then both go and sit down on the picnic blanket and I feed Emma a sandwich. Were we always so lovey?

"I remember this Issac! I go to kiss your cheek in a bit and you run away screaming."

I laugh at the memory, "I didn't want to get infected!"

"Ha ha," She deadpans, "I then go and slap you when you offer me a dead flower."

"Ouch, that hurts even to this day," I put my hand on my chest and feign hurt, "How could you break my eight year old heart like that?"

Emma throws a cushion at me, "Whatever Issac."

But she has a big smile on her face.

So I smile too.

* * *

Author's Note: AWWWH Young #ISMA moments haha.

Next chapter, this'll all continue! So, you'll see #DEMMA moments, #LOMA moments, #LARON moments and maybe, just maybe, more #ISMA moments ;)

Since we're near the end (still don't know how long exactly), I thought I'd give you all something from each ship- apart from #ISRON though because they didn't know each other at the time the vids were made, but their bromance now is enough lol.

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