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Dedicated to elephantlover48 for the love shown on my stories! Thank you so much :)

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BACK - 13

Dear Emma,

                        There sure is a gap between the last letter I sent you and this one here right now.

The reason?

Let's say I had a pep talk of some kind from a person you're very familiar with.

The only thing is, up until recently you used to be really close. I know bits and bobs but not the real reason and so I won't push you for information.

Well, if you realise who I'm talking about that is. (I am in no way questioning your intelligence because I know you'll catch on Emma. You're just that good.)

So back to the point, this person really gave me a push. Actually, more like a shove- as it is the nature of that person.

But, they mean well.

They always mean well.

You're probably think I'm interfering now, just don't think of it like that. Think of it like assisting.

Oh, and that person did not put me up to this. I think that you both don't deserve not being who you were together like before.

This was my kind gesture.



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Author's Note: Thoughts?

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