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"... so now we're friends- well acquaintances." I say before grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. I take a bite.

"That's good-"

"For Emma," Aaron says as he comes out of the bathroom and taking a seat next to his girlfriend, "Hey babe." He gives her a peck and then turns to me, "Back to the point, it's good for Emma seeing as you two won't be biting each other's heads off."

I scoff, "We wouldn't bite each other's heads off."

Lola scoffs this time, "Oh I beg to differ, Issac. By the way Aaron thanks for cutting me off, I was about to say that."

"Sorry your highness."

"Hmph, go make me tea." She says as she crosses her arms.

Aaron rolls his eyes but has a smile on his face, "Right away."

"Anyway, it's good that you and Diesel are okay now and all but there's one thing you have left to do." What do I have left to do? Lola notices my confused face and continues, "Savannah."

Oh yeah. Emma doesn't know about my fiancé and I need to tell her. I mean, if she can trust me with her relationship then I can definitely trust her, I just need to find the right time.

"You're right. I'll tell her."


"Whenever I feel is okay to tell her, I'm hoping it's soon-" I'm cut off by my phone ringing.

It's Emma.

"Hey Issac."

"Hey Em, what's up?"

"I- urm- I need to talk to you." I get up and Aaron comes back from the kitchen, holding Lola's tea but mine too. I mouth a quick 'I'll be back' as I slip out of their room and into mine next door.


"Urmm, well...I don't even know why I'm being so nervous. I just wanted to ask if you, Lola and Aaron would want to come over for dinner later. If that's okay with you, of course."

I chuckle as I take a seat on my bed, "Em, of course we would love to come. I'm speaking on behalf of them by the way, but why don't you just ask Lola yourself? I don't mean to sound rude but I'm curious."

"I-I don't know Issac, isn't it awkward if I just call her up a couple of days after making up with her? Isn't it weird?"

"Emma, are you two in a relationship? You guys are best friends, I'm sure she'll be offended if you don't call her personally."

"I still don't know..."

"It won't hurt to try."

After a moment's pause, she replies, "You're right. In fact, I'll call her right now thanks Issac. See you later."


I wait a couple of minutes before going back into Lola and Aaron's room, not before knocking of course. Lola isn't in the room and Aaron is just seated on the couch, sipping my tea.

"Hey! That's mine." I say as I take a seat next to him.

"Sorry bro, I was...keeping it warm?"

"Sure you were. Now I have nothing to drink." I pout as I cross my arms.

"Well you can always just make your own..."

I look at him with big eyes and he just stares at me. After a few seconds he gives, "Fine, I'll go and make you it." I look at him and he looks at me confused. I then hold my head high and he sighs, "...your highness." I smile a toothy grin and he goes back into the kitchen.

Lola then walks in, looking rather happy. I smile inwardly knowing that it's because Emma called. But to keep the act up I ask, "Why are you so cheery? Did you finally accept Aaron and I's relationship?"

She rolls her eyes and gives me a light shove, which hurts. It's not a light shove at all, "Please don't let me know about your fantasies with my partner, that's just vile. But, I just got a call from Emma and..."

"And..." I say, motioning for her to continue.

"We're going to hers for dinner!"

* * *

Author's Note: SO HEY LOVELIES! It's been a couple of days and I think this is the longest I've gone without updating this story. Wow.

Anyhoo, I hope you liked this chapter and are excited for the next one! FRIENDS' DINNER. 

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