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BACK - 15

Dear Emma,

                              I know I'm not getting any replies but I don't care.

I'm going to show you that I'm here for a reason and that I am going to commit.

That, and I also miss you.

I miss your hair and the way it looked imperfectly perfect in the mornings, I miss the way your eyes twinkled when I made you laugh or the way they grew darker when I annoyed you. I miss the slight snorting sound you made when you were hysterically laughing, but it was so quiet only I heard it.

Most importantly, I miss your feistiness.

I want to see if it is all there. If the Emma I know is there.

Or if you've turned into some stranger.



* * *

Dear Issac,

                       Doesn't it feel like a one sided conversation? I mean, if some unknown person were to read these they'd think you're insane.

But you always were.

Issac, I missed you. I moped when you left for 9 months until I could call myself 'me' again, but even then I wasn't the same.

You took a part of me with you.

That doesn't mean I still didn't miss you though. Because even while dating Diesel, I missed you. A lot. I'd find small things to compare you and him with until I realised there's no use.

I couldn't wait my whole life for someone who wasn't going to come back.

But here you are now.

That's what confuses me.



PS- Maybe I will send these to you.


I go through my drawer and take out each of the letters I wrote one by one.

I hold them in my hands as I look at them and then look to the dustbin in the corner of the room. I then look back at the letters and do the same thing a couple more times.

Should I just rip them up and throw them away?

No. That's not me. I don't hide from my problems, I face them with my head held high and my chest out.

I'm going to send these to Issac.

"Bye babe, I'm off." I say as I give Diesel a kiss.

"But you haven't eaten anything." 

"Not hungry." I shrug.

He gives me a disapproving look before sighing and throwing me a breakfast bar. I mutter a thank you as I make my way into my car, ready for work.

Before going there though, I drive to the nearest postbox and make my way towards it. 

As I reach there, I just stare for a good minute until I take a deep breath and post them.

All four of them.

* * *

Author's Note: This had both the letters here, seeing as it was short.


What do you think will happen next? 

HINT: Didn't Lola tell Issac to go somewhere? Hmm?

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