Hayley Williams

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A/N: Guess who's back? Back again. Violets back. Tell your friends (or don't because that would be extremely weird). That's right I'm back dolls and I'd like to sincerely apologize to Kayley78 for making her wait so long. I've just been in summer hell, I mean school and ugh I'm just sooooooooooooo sorry. I hope this was worth the wait.

Kayley's POV:

Working sucks when your shy. I mean working sucks period, but when your naturally introverted and strangers talk to you all day it's even worse. But Yesterday was different. Very different.

I walked into "Legends" (the music store I work in). It was 7:30 or as I liked to call it "way to early for anyone to be awake". Amanda had a funeral to go to so I had to pick up the morning shift. A few hours past, a few costumers came and went nothing too interesting, that was until a woman walked in. She was very mysterious yet seemed so familiar. She wore sunglasses and a long black coat. She then proceed to walk to the counter. She took off her sunglasses and my heart stopped.

It was Hayley Williams. The Halley Williams.

She was even more mesmerizing in person.

"Nice shirt" She giggled. I blushed profusely. I suddenly regretted my outfit choice. I was wearing one of my many Paramore shirts.

"Thanks. Have you heard of them?" I asked feeling a sudden burst of confidence.

"I may have." She laughed. God, she has such a beautiful laugh. I could listen to it all day. We talked for a while but eventually the talking stopped and became staring.

We stood for a minute simply gazing at each other. Blue eyes peering into Hazel ones. It would have been creepy if it were anyone else, but something about it just seemed...right. Eventually the silence was broken due to her phone ringing. She let out a barely audible groan before answering it.

"I'm sorry Kayley I have to go. But I was wondering..." She paused taking a breath.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch tomorrow?" She said with a glint of hope in her dazzling eyes.

"Of course! I would love to" I exclaimed.

That's how we got to where I am now. It was sunny, a little on the hot side but I couldn't care less. I decided to dress up a bit. I wore a simple denim shirt dress, white converse, threw my hair into a ponytail, put on earrings and even put on a bit of makeup. It was a drastic change from usual band tee and jeans.  http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=170968846

I arrived at the restaurant to see Halley waiting for me. It was a small cafe, but the food was amazing. Halley and I spent a few hours talking about music and other random things. The time went by quickly but it was amazing.

"Can I ask you something?" Halley said timidly.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked a bit nervously.

"I was just wondering... Your a really cool girl and I wanted to get to know you better. I was wondering... I was wondering if you want to go out with me?" Hayley said quickly. "It's ok if you don't. I would completely understand if you said N."

I cut her off. "Sure, it would be my pleasure." I said smiling genuinely.

She left out a huge sigh of relief and smiled broadly. She pulled me in for a quick yet passion filled kissed.

"Sorry I'm just so happy you agreed." She said laughing.

"It's fine, I would do it again anytime." I said, my cheeks slowly turning crimson. That was the start of my beautiful relationship.

A/N: So I'm back from my unofficial hiatus. Requests are open but they make take a while to get made. My new school is extremely academic so I get tons of work meaning I have a lot less time to write. Also this is my first time writing GirlXGirl so I'm sorry if it's shitty. Thanks for sticking around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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