Oliver Sykes

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Samantha's POV:

Hi everyone! Sammie here. Today we have a special guest. I said tapping on the bedsheets to simulate a drum roll waiting for Oliver to sit down next to me, but he never does. I exhaled loudly and stop my camera with the remote.

"That was your cue Oliver." He looked up from his phone.

"Sorry love, I wasn't really paying attention." He said laughing nervously.

"Yeah, I can see that." I say rolling my eyes playfully. "Are you ready now?" I asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." He said making sure to add a overly dramatic sigh. You see, Oliver and I made a bet last week. If he won our (extremely intense) game of Mario Cart, He would get to post a picture of me sleeping (Which I hate with a passion, but he claims is "cute") on instagram but if I won, He had to do the "I do my boyfriends makeup and put it on the internet to basically torture him for my own enjoyment tag". I'm still working on the name, but you get the point.

I sat back down and started my introduction over. This time Oliver actually payed attention to his cue and sat beside me. He glanced over at the makeup by my side and look mortified. I stifled a laugh and continued.

"Today I have a special treat for you lovelies. My boyfriend has agreed to let me put makeup on him. You all are about to witness Oliver transition to Olivia!" I said excitedly. Oliver simply glared at me.

"Lets start off with the foundation." I grabbed the foundation and starting applying it to Oliver's face.

"Why is it so cold?" He winced not from pain, but more from surprise.

"Quit judging the foundation's life chooses Olivia. Geez women these days, always complaining." I said teasingly.

After starting with the foundation and blush it was time for the eye makeup.

"Now today we're going with a more natural eye look so we can go bolder on the lips. Olivia, close your eyes." I said dipping my makeup brush into the eye shadow.

"Why would I close my eyes when you have that weapon in your hands." He said pointing towards the brush.

"Would you just shut up and close your eyes?" I asked slightly exasperated. He didn't respond he simply rolled his eyes then shut them. As I applied his eye shadow he sat surprisingly still. If I had known this would have been this easy, I would have done it a long time ago. Once I was finished I shook my eye liner pencil and took the cap off.

"I'm going to give Olivia a cat eye. I think it suites her because shes so feisty" I said giggling. I started applying it and he cringed again.

"Sorry I forgot how cold this can get." I said innocently even though I knew exactly how cold it could get.

"You can open your eyes now." He opened his eyes and I have to say, he makes a really pretty girl.

"How much more torture do I have left?" He asked slightly exasperated.

"Don't worry I just have to do your lips then I'm finished" I said reassuringly.

"Thank God." He muttered under his breath.

"Last but certainly not least we have the lips. I'm going to go with a dark red lip. At first, I was thinking I'd do a subtle, feminine pink but then I thought I'm never-"

"Ever." Oliver interjected.

"Right never ever going to get this opportunity again, so I said to hell with it. I'm going to go all out. I said giddily.

I started him off with a dark red lip liner then followed with a slightly lighter, but still quite dark red lipstick.

"Are we finally done? Can I look now?" Oliver said excitedly. I couldn't tell what he was looking forward to more, being done or getting to see it. I looked him over and hummed to myself. Then it hit me.

"Not quite yet. I have one finishing touch. I'll be right back." I said hurriedly. I got up and went into our closet. I grabbed my favorite spiked flower crown and carried it back to the bed. I placed it on Oliver's head then readjusted it so it would be perfect.

"There. Isn't she beautiful?" I said handing Oliver my hand mirror.

"I'll admit, I actually look pretty awesome. I think I'd make a hot chick." He said confidently. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Sure you would honey." I said sarcastically I said my outro then turned off my camera.

"You took that like a champ." I said patting him on the back. "But you know what the last part of the bet was." I said slyly.

"Yes I know, hand me my phone." He sighed.

I handed him his phone and he opened instagram. We took a selfie then he captioned it.

@olobersykes: This is why you don't make bets with your girlfriend

I laughed then posted it.

"Remind me to never play video games with you." He said seriously.

"I love you too." I laughed, pecked him on the cheek, then went to go edit the video.

A/N: I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorry this took so long :( I had school work then terrible writer's block. Again so sorry hope you like it

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