Ben Barlow

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Annabella's POV:

I sat in my comfy chair reading "The Fault in our stars". This was my third time reading it but I couldn't help it, it was one of my favorites. As I was reading I heard multiple knocks on the door. I groaned, not too thrilled about getting up from my chair but did anyway.

When I opened the door I was greeted by my overjoyed best friend, Maudie.


"Sorry to disappoint, but my birthday isn't for a few days." I said rolling my eyes playfully at her forgetfulness.

"I know, but I have a surprise that I have to give you now so you can get ready. She said excitedly.

"Get ready? Ready for what?" I said completely oblivious to what she was implying.

"Here, open it open it!" She exclaimed as she handed me a envelope.

"Okay okay I'm opening it jeez." I said opening the envelope. Two white strips of paper fell out. I gasped when i realized they were plane tickets. "Oh my God." I muttered in disbelief as I read one. It was a plane ticket to the United Kingdom .

"But wait there's more." Maudie said giddily handing me another envelope. I practically ripped it open. I screamed and engulfed her in a tight hug. They were tickets to a Neck Deep concert, my all time favorite band ever.

"You should get packed, our flight leaves in a couple hours." She said finally letting go of me.


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After we got settled into our room I decided to go explore the city. Maudie was exhausted from the long flight and collapsed on the bed as soon as we got in the room. I walked around for a while until I saw a quaint little coffee shop. I decided to stop in.

Luckily there weren't many people there so there wasn't a line. I ordered myself a vanilla latte and a cookie then sat at one of the many tables.

I sipped on my latte as I read my book.

"Can I join you?" A male voice said slipping me out of my thoughts and slightly startling me.

"S-Sure." I say my breath catching in my throat when I looked up. It was Ben Barlow, the Ben Barlow. Once the shock wore off we actually had a decent conversation. He was super nice and really down to earth. He ended up asking for my number and of course I obliged. I was secretly hoping he would call soon.

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Today was the day of the concert and Ben still hadn't called or texted which made me worried. I shook away the thought as I finished getting dressed and headed out.

The concert was amazing so far. As Ben was singing "Blank Pages" we made eye contact with each other. As soon as the song was over he went and started whispering to one of the security guards. The guard nodded and made his way into the crowd. Ben thanked the crowd then exited the stage. Next thing I knew the guard was guiding me through a corridor backstage. He knocked on a dressing room door then opened it. Inside was Ben sitting on a couch.

"Hey Annabelle." He said with a smile.

"Hey Ben" I said with a shy smile.

"I tried calling you but some old woman picked up. Did you really not want to talk to me that much?" He asked with a chuckle. Then it hit me.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry. I was just really nervous that I was actually talking to you. I must have given you the wrong number please forgive me." I said slightly pleading.

"I'll forgive you if you come get drinks with me." He said with a smirk.

"I would love to." And that was a start of a beautiful relationship.

A/N: I'm sorry that was so shitty and I changed the plot a little bit. God I'm such a Derp.

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