Vic Fuentes

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Y/N Pov:

Standing in my bathroom, I smile triumphantly as I stare at my wrist that is slowly being covered in blood. The more blood that escaped my wrist the dizzier I felt. Just as my legs gave out I felt a pair of strong arms around me and muffled screaming. That voice...Its so... Familiar was the last thing I thought before I slipped into darkness.

Vic's Pov:

I can't wait to see Y/N I think to myself cheerily as I walk into the house. Hmm, Y/N usually came running when she heard the door open. I shrugged off the thought, Maybe she didn't hear it open.

"Baby?" No response.

"Y/N" I yelled slightly louder. Something was wrong I could feel it. Maybe I'm overreacting, she's probably just not here right? I'll call her and tell her I'm home. I took out my phone and clicked on Y/N's number. That's when my heart sank. I immediately heard her phone ringing upstairs.

"Y/N?" I yelled slightly panicked as I followed the sound of the ringing. The ringing lead me to the bathroom we shared. I just stood in the doorway, a look of complete terror on my face. All I saw was Y/N staring at her wrist which, was pooling with blood. As I wrapped my arms around her she collapsed. With tears in my eyes, I carried her to the to the car and drove her to the hospital.


After getting Y/N help, I called the guys. They got to the hospital pretty quickly.

"Is Y/N all right?" Jamie asked with a slight tone of panic in his voice. That's when I broke down. I sobbed and put my head in my hands. "Hey..." Tony said putting his hand on my back. "Y/N is a strong girl she'll get through this."

Just then a nurse walked up to me and asked "Are you here for Ms.Y/L/N?"

"Yes" I said wiping away my tears. "You can go see her now if you'd like." "Do you want us to come with you?" Tony asked softly.

"No it's fine...can I have a few minutes alone with her?" I asked quietly.

"Of course." Tony said giving me a reasuring smile. When I got into the room Y/N was awake with a sad distant look in her eyes.

"Y/N..." She cut me off. "I'm sorry." She said in a barely audible whisper. "The important thing is that your alive. The only question I have is why?" I said the last part quieter than the rest.

"I was miserable Vic. The hate comments and messages were all becoming to much. I wanted to call you but, you were at the studio and I didn't want to be more of a burden." I saw a couple tears escape her Y/E/C eyes.

"Baby please don't cry. Listen you'll never be a burden to me. Your the most intelligent, caring and beautiful women I've ever met. I don't know what i'd do without you. Promise me that if your ever feeling this way no matter if i'm at the studio or halfway across the world, you'll talk to me about it. Please?" I said in a pleading tone that came off as more of a whimper. "Okay" she answered finally looking me in my eyes.

"I'll go get the guys." I said softly.

"Vic?" Y/N asked. "Yes?"

"Thank you... I love you." She said in a whisper.

"I love you too darling." I said with a faint smile.

Author's Note: So I decided to repost this. I know it's absolutely horrible but hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere. I promise the second one will be better ( I hope ) ; )

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