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"LILLY HORAN." Mr. Evans, our principle, called my name loud and clear. As I stood up to accept my diploma, I felt something tear. "Fuck!" My dress had gotten caught on my chair and the whole back of my gown, AND DRESS split right open showing the world my bright orange thong. Free buns anyone?!?! I didn't know what the hell to do in a situation like this so I did the only think I could think of. "PASS!" I called not thinking first. Shit, I should really start to think before I speak. Everyone turned to me with a mix of confusion and astonishment. Just than I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Are you ok?" Niall, my brother, was standing inches from m face. "What the bloody hell does it look like!" I whispered yelled in his ear. He took a step back aware of the anger in my voice. "I'm sorry Ni but look" i whimpered pointing to the back of my dress. He leaned over to take a look as his smile instantly disappeared. "Damn Lills what did you do?!" I stared back at him expressionless when his face suddenly brightened. "I HAVE AN IDEA!" He took of his jacket and placed it around my tiny body. I was only a couple inches shorter than him so it covered my ass. With my new found confidence I waltzed up to stage as the crowd cheered. I looked over to see Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, and Liam giving me a thumbs up. They all had a letter of my name painted right across they're abs.....erm stomachs. But hey, I wasn't complaining. As I walked off the stage diploma in hand,I began to cry. This was my last year at Central High School and I had no idea what I wanted to do after. I mean sure I had college in mind, but Niall also gave me the option of going on the 2013 Take Me Home tour with him since our parents weren't there to take care of me.



I was loading up my Nerf gun to prepare for the war Niall and I were gonna have later that night when my parents called us all for a family meeting. "Kids, Mommy and I have somehow very important to talk to you two about." Niall and I ran over to the couch smiling from ear to ear as daddy began to explain that they were getting a divorce. Right as the word divorce left his mouth my smile disapeared. I was 9 at the time and Niall was 14. Niall took the news horribly. He stormed up to his room and slammed the door leaving me Broken and scared on the couch. Knowing ahead of time that we'd need some time to let the news sink in, they called Aunty Jane to babysit us. I couldnt believe the were leaving me right after telling us that our family was breaking apart. I ran to my room and started to sob uncontrollably. Apparently they were going to Nandos to talk it through and make sure that divorce was the best way to handle their marriage problems. The last thing I remember hearing before I fell into a deep sleep was the door slamming behind them as they left the house. Little did I know that I would never see them again. Less than 3 hours later I heard the phone downstairs ring. Aunty Jane was asleep on the couch so I picked up the phone. "hello?" I answered In a groggy voice. "Hi this is police chief John may I please speak to an adult?" I looked over to see that Aunt Jane was still asleep so I answered "no I'm sorry my aunt is sleeping." I could tell the man seemed distraught as he muttered the phrase I will never forget. "I am sorry to inform you but there has been a terrible car accident and Mr. And Mrs. Horan are dead." He may have said more but I don't remember a thing because within the next two seconds my world went dark.




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