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It was only our second day in France and all of us had decided to take a tour of the beautiful city. "Hey Niall wait up!" I raced over to Niall so I could ask him a couple of questions and get his opinion. "Yeah mate what's up?" Niall stopped and waited for me to catch up with him as he enjoyed his ice cream. The rest of the boys turned to see what the hold up was but went back to their own things once they realized I was the cause. "I was wondering if I could ask you a couple questions. Ya know, to get the idea of life as a superstar?" Niall seemed like the only one who liked me so I decided to take that for granted. "Alright mate go for it!" I had already though of the perfect questions.

"Number one. Who is the ladies man of the group?"


"Number two. Who is in charge of the group as a whole?"


"Number three. How can you tell if Lilly is upset?"

"That's an odd question, but usually If she WANTS US TO do something her way and we do it another, she'll get a little upset, so we usually just do whatever she wants"

"What's your favorite song to record?"

"Well I love to RECORD OUR NEWEST SONGS RIGHT AWAY that way the energy just sort of flows out of me, but it would probably be little things."

"Great thanks Niall!!"

My plan was up and ready to go! I quickly ran back to the hotel before the group even realized I was gone.

I was so sick of Harry getting in the way of my plan to win Lilly over so I took action. I had overheard Lilly and Harry planning a one on one movie party earlier which gave me the best idea. "Hello?" Harry answered the phone with concern in his voice. I had blocked my number so it showed up as an unknown number on his phone. I played back Niall's answers on the app I downloaded which made it seem like Niall was actually calling. "HARRY, SIMON WANTS US TO RECORD OUR NEWEST SONGS RIGHT AWAY!" I hung up before he had the chance to answer making the call seem urgent. My plan was in action. Now all I have to do is sit back and watch the hate slowly roll out between the boys.


That's certainly strange. Simon almost never interrupted our down time to record. Come to think of it..........I don't think we even have any new we? I looked over to the couch to see that Lilly had fallen into a sleep coma right after returning from our tour of France. I wanted to let her know that I would have to leave her for a bit, so I wrote her a note.

Hey beautiful,

Simon called me and the boys into the studio to record last minute. I hope you aren't mad that our movie night will have to be pushed back an hour or so. Be back soon!

With much love,


I quickly taped my note to her face, than grabbed my keys. As I stepped out the door a very important question came to mind. Where is the recording studio?


I woke up and cringed once I realized there was piece of paper taped to my face. Who does that?! After reading the note I came to an obvious conclusion. Harry does that. What a wierdo. I couldn't help but stay in bed and pout when Zayn knocked on my door. "Lills! You awake?" Wait. Why is Zayn here if all of the boys were suppose to be recording. WHAT THE BUTT?! Harry lied? I don't know why, but that made me want to cry. Why would he lie to me? I quickly wiped small tear from my eye before answering Zayn. "Yeah Zayn come on in." As Zayn peeked in the room, his face instantly went from happy to concerned. "What's wrong baby girl? You look as though you've been crying!" Shit he noticed. "No it's alright I'm fine I just got an eyelash stuck in my eye." He didn't buy it one bit. "Spill lillypop!" As soon as the first word escaped my lips, so did the tears. "Well tonight Harry and I were suppose to have a movie nigh but he got "called in" by Niall to record a new song. He mentioned that all of you we're suppose to be there, yet here you are. I guess he just doesn't want to spend time with me. Zayn I don't know what I did wrong." Zayn grabbed me in his arms embracing me in one of his amazing bear hugs. "Don't cry love, there's got to be some explanation for this. Harry never does stuff like this and he would absolutely NEVER do anything to hurt you. I'll talk to him when he comes back! But in the meantime is it alright if I stay and watch a movie with you?" I couldn't turn him down. He was just to sweet! "Sure! You can pick." Zayn got up and walked over to my movie stash. I couldn't help but watch his perfect butt sway as he walked. Whoops! "Finding nemo?! Really?" Zayn started to laugh at my assortment. Damn he wasn't suppose to see those! "Hey don't judge me! It's a classic!" He finally picked one out after like 10 minutes. "Got one!" He walked over with a smile spread across his perfect lips. "WHITE CHICKS! PERFECT!" I needed a good laugh and to be honest, I'm glad he didn't pick a romantic movie. After putting the DVD in, he grabbed a bowl of gummy worms (My favorite), pulled off my sheets, and slid in next to me. He was so warm. I rested my head on chest as the movie began. His steady heartbeat was the only thing I was paying attention to though.


Within half an hour of the movie, Lilly had slowly begun to fall asleep. She looked so perfect and angelic with her hair falling beside he face. I swept the remaining hair out of her face so I could stare....I mean see her beautiful face. She was perfect. If only she knew he I truly felt about her. "No Harry! Don't leave me!" Lilly talks in her sleep? "Zayn protect me!" AND SHE WAS DREAMING ABOUT ME?!?! Hot damn! Her nose twitched like a bunny rabbit as she continued to dream. Can she get any cuter?! Just as I was about to lean down and give her a quick kiss on her beautiful full lips, the door slammed open. Harry stood in the doorway with hate in his eyes.




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