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I couldn't wait to go on tour with my brother and the rest of he boys!!! It was gonna be a blast! Once everyone was on the bus, Louis made a very loud announcement. "WELCOME TO THE FUN BUS!!" Blah blah blah. Lets go already!! I was way to excited to even sit still. What made me even more happy than I already was, was when Louis made it loud and clear that he loved me. I knew he was just being silly, since we're buds, but it's always great to hear that. The only odd thing was that he was looking straight at Harry when he said it. That's when it hit me. Did Louis know about Harry's crush on me?! Zayn must have noticed it too because he gave Louis this strange confused look. Ruh Roh! The last thing I needed was more drama. I decided to settle the dispute later and just be happy for the time being when a red car pulled up and blocked the bus as we were pulling out. Wait a minute! I recognize that car! CRAP! Just than the door to the bus flung open with a crash allowing Jesse to gain entrance. HELP! CALL THE POLLCE! HIDE YOUR KIDS! INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT!!!! This was not gonna end well. I could tell right away as Harry's jaw tightened that he was not, in the very least, ok with Jesse being here. "Lilly!" Jesse ran up to me panting like a dog. "Before you leave, I wanted to apologize for acting like an idiot at YOUR special graduation party. I've never been drunk before and I had no idea I'd end up acting like such a jerk." I couldn't help but look back at him with sympathy. He was being honest, I could tell. I was never one to hold a grudge so I decided to forgive him. This time. "It's ok Jess. I forgive you!" I said with a smile. His face instantly brightened. Ughh his smile was so perfect! And his eyes!! Don't even get me started! "Thanks Lills! It'll never happen again." Jess said as he stood up, gave me a big hug, kissed me on the cheek, and made his way towards the door where Harry was standing. "AS FOR YOU!" He hissed right before he punched Harry square in the face. Harry was never one to back down, but for once I wish he would. He sprung up like a spring and pulled his arm back ready to swing a punch when Liam grabbed his arm. "Theres the door. Use it!" Liam demanded of Jesse while trying to stay calm. Before leaving, Jesse leaned in to say something directly to Harry. He must have said something extremely hurtful because Harry's eyes began to glaze over. I'll have to ask him about that later. Without saying another word Harry walked towards the back of the bus, tucked himself into bed, and remained silent for the rest of the ride towards the airport.


Woah! Where the bloody hell did Jesse come from?! One minute everyone was happy and ready to embark on our trip to france, the next minute Harry is knocked out on the floor. I wasn't about to let Jesse just march onto our bus and just beat the crap out of Harry, so as Daddy Directioner I stepped in and pulled the two apart. "There's the door. Use it!" I hissed at Jesse. After Jesse was gone, I made my own announcement at the front of the bus. "From here on out, this is a drama free zone! Got it boys!" Everyone mumbled their agreements as the bus rumbled to life. Within minutes we were all seated and headed towards the city if romance.


Sitting on the plane was extremely hard especially considering the meal schedules. "Excuse me?" I asked as I waved down a flight attendant. The young lady closest to me turned around and began to make her way towards me. Whoa Ho Ho! She was hot I must admit. She had long blonde hair, bright green eyes, and the perfect curvy body. "DIBS!!" I whispered to the rest of the boys before she was close enough to hear. "*cougar*" Louis coughed just loud enough for me to hear which made me laugh. "Yes sir and how may I help you today?" She asked in a cheery voice. "Yes um I would like to know when dinner is served please?" She gave me a confused look. "I'm sorry sir, but we just had lunch less than 5 minutes ago. There is a food cart-" She may have said more but I was too busy hunting down that food cart.


I've been in a much better mood ever since boarding the plane. Lilly and I sat together, Liam sat with Niall, and Zayn sat with Louis. Elenor, Louis girlfriend, was going to meet us in France later on. He insisted she come, especially because we were about to spend weeks in the city if love. "So..." I looked over at Lilly grabbing her attention. "How do you know Jesse?" I could tell by her aggravated sigh that he was a sore subject but I had to know what was going on between them! "Well...." She looked around as if searching for an answer. "He's sort of been my crush since grade school, but he's changed so much. It's as if I don't even know him anymore." I focused on her words but at the same time I was hypnotized by he beauty. She was beyond gorgeous with her sparkly eyes and soft lips and......SNAP OUT OF IT!! "Ohhh, so do you still like him?" Way to not be straight forward Harry! "Mmm I'm not sure I even know him anymore." There was a hint of sadness in her eyes as if she had lost something or SOMEONE very dear to her. Even though I didn't like him one bit, I tried to think of good things to say about him to make her smile. Her smile was something else! It could light up a whole room! I mean her teeth are just so pretty and shiny and sharp and...YEOW! I bet her bite is worse than her bark. So damn sexy! SHIT YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN! "Lilly..." I looked deep into her beautiful yes because what I was about to say wasn't just from Jesse's point of view. "You're an amazing amazing girl and anyone would be completely mad to let you go. I know he may have an awful way of showing it, but he loves you. And truth be told, you can do better." I certainly regret my last sentence the minute I said it, but it was how I truly felt. Every minute I spent with her, felt like the time of my life! Speaking of the time of my life, the rest of the plane ride was amazing! She brought along her camera with this one feature that makes your face look disfigured called a fisheye lens. We took almost 500 photos on the plane ride alone. She told me stories about how clumsy she was and I told her stories about how clutsy I was which made us laugh uncontrollably. "I HUNGER!" Lilly screamed randomly. I didn't have anything to eat except gold fish. "Catch!" I said as I threw a gold fishy up into the air. She caught it easily in between her teeth. We took turns throwing and catching until we were all out. I looked down to see a pile of gold fish u der my seat. "You have horrible aim!" I decide to blame her even though I knew It was because of my lack of catching things in my mouth skills. We ended up talking about literally everything! I've never felt so close to anyone in my life. About an hour before landing in france, Lills fell asleep on my lap. I looked around only to realize that everyone else was asleep as well. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but the turbulence of the plane didn't let me. *sigh* I didn't even realize how exhausted I was until now. With nothing else to do, I took out my memory book and my favorite pen and wrote down all my feelings for Lilly in a poem.

What makes me love you I can't describe, is it the way that you smile or is it your eues........

It took me almost 2 hours, but I finally finished. When and how I was gonna show her was the real question.




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