CHAPTER 6: Where am I?

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I was about to go up and apologize to Lilly for being a wallflower all night and not saying a single word to her when I heard arguing. All I could hear was Lilly shouting in protest which was all I needed to hear to unglue myself from the wall and find out who was hurting my Lilly. I ran over to find her so called "friend" Jesse grabbing her by the waist. I could see her fighting him and trying to wiggle out of his grip, but he wouldn't let her. Phew I could smell the alcohol from here. Well hell to the no was I letting his happen. I marched up to the son if a bitch and smacked right in the jaw. He fell to the ground in defeat. SCORE! I was still a little upset with Lilly for blowing me off for Jesse, so after that I just walked right sat her and our the door. I could sense her following me. "Harry we need to-" she began, but I cut her off. "SAVE IT LILLY!" I couldn't believe how angry I was. I didn't even completely realize it until the turn of events that took place next made Everything crystal clear. Once I heard the screech of tires and the a blood curdling scream that came from Lilly, my heart started to pound. "HARRYYYYY!" I turned around to see her lifeless body sprawled out on the road. NO NO NO NO!!!! I couldn't believe my eyes! Because of my own emotions, Lilly, my sweet sweet Lilly was hit by a car. The man behind the wheel jumped out of his car and ran towards us with a panicked look upon his face. "I'm so sorry!!! I didn't even see her!" I couldn't hear a word he was saying because all I could think about was Lilly.


As soon as I heard Lilly screaming I ran outside to find her laying on the road with a gash on the side of her head. "YOU!!!!" I pointed to Harry. "YOU DID THIS!!!" I couldn't control my anger. "Niall let me exp-" I swiftly shoved him to the ground and picked up my baby sister in my arms. "BOYS COME QUICK!" Liam and the boys ran out of the house keys in hand and ran straight for the car. As we raced towards the hospital I couldn't help but look upon Lilly's helpless face. I let her down. It was my job to take care of her and I let her down. I don't deserve to be her brother. The thoughts kept coming as I began to sob controllably. What if he doesn't make it? I thought, telling myself that I would never forgive myself if she didn't. When we got to the hospital I ran inside before the car had even stopped. "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" Four doctors ran towards my car and carried Lilly inside. They made us wait outside as they collected her personal information.

Almost 6 aggravating hours later, we were finally able to go and see her. "You better stay here." I stepped in from of Harry before he could enter the room. "Niall it's my fault she's hurt and I need to make sure she's ok!" He replied through tears. I couldn't take it, so I let him by. Ask walked into the room, tears stung the back of my eyes. Lilly just laid there stuff as a board. I couldn't handle the sight of it all so I stepped out to take a breather. "Sir I have the results for your sister's tests." A short man waddled up to me and handed me a clipboard. Lilly was in a coma and it could take days for her to wake up. With this news I began to cry, but this time I held nothing back. I cried so hard I started to hiccup. Zayn came outside and gave me a big hug and stayed there until he was sure if be ok. "Zayn, what if she never wakes up?" I looked into his eyes u certain of what to expect. "Don't worry mate, she's a strong girl. She can do it." I decided to stay the night because I couldn't bare leaving her alone like this. "You boys can go ahead and take off. Ill stay here." At first they weren't sure if they should leave or stay until Harry spoke up. "No mate, we stick together thick AND thin. We're staying." That was all I needed to hear to get me through the night.


I woke up with a massive headache. "ARGHH!" I groaned as I sat up slowly."LILLY!! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" Niall screamed as he ran over to hug me. "OWW!" I winced in pain. "Sorry Sis! How are you feeling? Can I get you anything? NURSE!!" I didn't want anything at the moment let alone remember where I was or why I was even there. "Where am I?" I asked in a grumpy voice. Louis was next to wake up. "LILLYBILLY!!!" I smiled remembering his silly nickname for me. "You're at the hospital because you were hit by a car!" I was? "IM INVINCIBLE!" I screamed making everyone smile for the first time in the last few minutes. Hey, I don't know about you, but I find it heroic that I was hit by a car and I'm still alive. Haha why turn this situation into a negative one?! "LILLS!!!!" Zayn hopped onto the bed and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "How ya feeling love?" How was I feeling? Oh yeah great! "I'm fine! Honest! Lets go home!"I looks over at the door to see Liam walking in unaware that anyone was even awake. "LILLS!!! YOURE AWAKE!!!" He yelled with the cheekiest grin in his face. He walked over and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled. But wait something wasn't right. Someone was missing. "Harry! Where's Harry?!" The boys looked around unaware that 1/5 of their band was missing. Liam spoke up "I dunno, he was with me just a couple of minutes ago." Just than the nurse walked In. "Oh you're awake Miss. Horan! How are you feeling? Well enough to go home?" I sure was! "Yes ma'am! Can I go now???!!!" I was so ready to get out of that place! "Alright young lady but don't forget to take the medication I've prescribed to you. It will ease the pain." What pain? I shifted my weight feeling a sharp pain in my side. Oh......that pain. "YES DOCTOR. THANK YOU!" I said excitedly as I jumped out of bed ignoring the pain. I was ready to haul my ass out if there! I quickly ran on the bathroom and changed into my Normal clothes when I heard a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Harry was back. I looked out to see that the rest of the boys had left already and were waiting at the car so I opened the door all the way. "Sure." Harry was my best friend so he's already seen me practically naked....which I was at the moment except for a bra and underwear. But i really needed to talk to him and now was as good a time as any. "Harry?" I began, unsure of what exactly I was trying to say. "Why did you run away from me the other night? I wanted to-" he put his finger to my lips. They smelled like ass. "Don't speak Lills. I owe you an apology." He took his finger away. Thanks God too! "I ran away from you because I was jealous. I was jealous that you were talking to Jesse more than you were talking to me. I was jealous I the way you looked at him. I was jealous that he had things I didn't. But overall I was jealous that he had you." I couldn't believe my ears. Was Harry trying to tell me something? Hot damn I wasn't expecting that! "I have to admit that...... I'm in love with JESSIE'S GIRL!! Ner ner ner ner ner ner ner JESSIE'S GIRL!" He broke out into the song Jessie's girl which he knew was my favorite song. I couldn't help but laugh. He made me happy. I didn't realize it before but, I think....I'm falling in love......with my best friend.......well shit.




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