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I circled around France maybe 15 times before I finally found the recording studio. I got out of my car and walked up the stairs muttering to myself in anger. Couldn't Niall have at least told me where the dang place was?! "Hello?" I called out to no one in particular. "Niall???" No answer. I walked around a couple times only to realize that nobody was around. First Niall doesn't tell me where it is, next he doesn't even bother to show up?! Why was his problem. I ran downstairs and drove to our hotel as fast as I could hoping to watch at least one movie with Lilly. Aw Lills, I left her for no reason. I'm such a bad friend. I've got to make everything up to her, but how? I tried thinking of the things I loved about her most, which was probably the easiest thing I've ever done in my life. The way she wears almost no makeup and just Chapstick makes her lips so kissable, ooooh and the way she wears her favorite white rain lotion makes her fingertips so soft and touchable, but most of all it's her eyes. There how do you say .........irresistible. I've got it! Instead of writing her a poem, I'll write her a song! I'll call it Irresistible.


I had fallen almost completely asleep on Zayn's warm chest when out of nowhere Harry appeared. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!? ZAYN! MY ROOM! NOW!" Harry practically growled at Zayn. Zayn quickly got up kissed me on the head and walked out after Harry. What was that about? I waited a whole minute before running out of room and placing my ear up against Harry's bedroom door. "Zayn do you want to explain to me what exactly you were doing laying in bed with my....with Lilly?!" With my? Since when did I belong to harry? "Calm down mate! I went in to check on her before bed and say goodnight, but found her crying on her bed. Harry you're the reason she was crying and I was only trying to be a mate and make her feel better until you got back." Something in the room shattered and once again Harry was yelling. "How dare you accuse me of making her cry. I only left because we were suppose to record our new album for Simon!!" Harry's voice cracked. "Record a song...wait what?" Zayn sounded utterly confused. "Don't act dumb Zayn! We were all suppose to be there and nobody went! What kind of band are we If we can't even communicate?!" I could hear the pain in Harry's voice as he began to cry. "Harry, honest to God I never knew we were suppose to record I wasnt-" I heard footsteps heading towards me. "Shit." I turned and ran towards my room jumping face first onto my bed. What the?! When did my bed get so bouncy?! After jumping on one side of my bed Face first, I bounced off and flew off the other side just as quick. "Fuck!" My face hit the floor just as Harry walked in. "Lilly! Are you ok?? What the hell are you doing on the floor? Your nose is bleeding!" It is? Crap, I walked over to my bathroom and grabbed a fresh washcloth. "Oh you know, just testing out the floors to see If I would fall through." I replied sarcastically. Harry couldn't help but laugh. "Lills can we please talk?" Ruh roh, busted! "Yeah Hazz what's up?" Harry looked me directly in the eyes as he pulled me closer to him. "Was Zayn telling me the truth when he told me that I was the reason for your tears?" I searched the ground unsure of how to respond. "Well...." Harry placed his finger under my chin and tilted my face towards his. "Lills be honest." Looking into his eyes, I couldn't tell a lie. "Hazza, we were suppose to spend the night watching movies together, but you lied to me instead telling me that you had to record your new album." Harry's yes darkened. "Lilly I didn't-" was he about to lie to me afain?! "Harry all of the boys were still here when you left. That's all the proof I need. Now if you'll excuse me I never finished my movie night with Zayn." It hurt me to just push the fact that Harry lied to me out of my mind, but I didn't want to waste any more time thinking about it. Tonight was Zayn and Lilly time!


My plan didn't exactly turn out the way I had planned. I heard screaming as I walked up to Lilly's room. "Zayn do you want to explain to me what exactly you were doing laying in bed with my....with Lilly?!" Harry was yelling at Zayn so loud, I could hear him from the end on the hallway. Wait... Back it up! Zayn was sleeping with Lilly?! Zayn likes Lilly too?! Damnit! Now I have to go against Harry AND Zayn?! This is going to be much harder than I had thought.


With all the screaming going on between Zayn and Harry last night, I wasn't able to get much sleep at all. "WAKE UP BOYS! WE'RE GOING TO THE PARK!!" Louis ran down the hallway naked flailing his arms like an idiot. "Would you keep it down mate, my head hurts!" Louis was taken back by my tone of voice. "I'm sorry Lou. Lack of sleep." He nodded his head understandingly. I had sat down to open up my favorite cereal, cinnamon toast crunch, when I realized the Box was empty....and I just bought it! "Who the bloody hell ate all of my cereal?!" Liam walked down the stairs just as I finished screaming. "Calm down mate, what seems to be the problem?" I looked at him as though he were out of his mind. "What's the problem? What's the-MY CEREAL WAS JACKED!!!!" Liam gave me a sympathetic look. "Don't worry babe, i'll run out and get some since I need to go to the store anyways." My hero. After Liam had come back, and we had all been fed, we began to cram one by one into the van. I couldn't wait to relax and spend a day outdoors with my boys!


Man, we haven't gone to the park in ages! The last time we went was when we were filming for our music video One Thing. "Today Lilly!" Niall screamed to the top to the stairs. That girl could sure take her sweet time getting ready. "Keep your trousers on I'm coming!" Just than she waltzed down the stairs. She looked absolutely perfect. It was hot out so she wore jean shorts, a flowery tank top, a jean jacket, flip flops, and aviator sunglasses. She looked good. "SHOTGUN!!" Lilly pushed everyone aside and ran to join Harry in the front. "Everyone ready?" Harry was staring directly at Lilly's legs as he said that. Cheeky bastard. "STEP ON IT MOP FLOP!" Louis was overly excited to go to the park,fetch sticks, and chase his tail as always. "SWINGS!!!! As soon as we arrived, Louis jumped out of the car, and raced Liam towards the swings. Harry stepped out next offering his muscular arm to Lilly. "When's lunch?" Niall immediately asked after stepping out next. "Dude we've still got like 3 hours until lunch! How about we all play a game of soccer??" All the boys ran over after hearing that. Soccer was our favorite sport. Well we refer to it as football but while we were on our tour in America, we learned of its other name. "We're in!" Louis and Liam ran over. "Niall you wanna play?" I could tell Niall didn't want to because he sort of just shrugged and stared longingly at the picnic basket. "Alright let's find a spot!" I ran ahead to scope out the best possible place. "Hey mind if I join?" Harry put his hand on my shoulder which meant that he wasn't mad anymore. "Sure thing!" HEY LILLS YOU PLAYING?" Lilly was riding her ripstik around the edges of the field on the cement trail. "Nah ill just watch for now." Man she was so hot! Riding her skateboard thingy like a badass. "Suit yourself love!" Once everything was set up we picked teams. It was me, Louis, and Liam against Niall, Harry, and Jesse. I'm not sure how good Jesse was at soccer so I just assumed he sucked. As soon as the game had begun, Jesse was at my side. "You're going down!!" Was that a threat? "Bite me!" Damn that comeback was lame. Come on Zayn you can do better! Before I knew it, I was laying face first on the grass. What the?! "TIME OUT!" Louis ran up and grabbed me by the arm. "You alright mate?" I spit some grass out of my mouth before responding. "Yeah Lou I'm fine, just tripped on a rock." Louis liked around searching for the rock. "I mean or something, it's noting Lou." He looked concerned but not enough to stop the game. When it comes to football, Louis is a champ! "TIME IN!" Louis jogged back over to the goal. Throughout the whole game, Jesse and I tried to constantly try and trip each other. What did he have against me anyways? We were both running towards the ball, when Jesse stuck out his foot. I grabbed onto his leg taking him down with me. "AHHH!" I heard a girl scream right before I landed in her arms. I looked up to see the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. "Hi, I'm Perrie Edwards."





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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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