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I felt just a tad but guilty for leaving poor Lills behind but I didn't exactly have a choice. She was being all seductive and sexy with Harry which I knew would cause him to blab about our plan. You see he's got a weakness. Sex. Sex is Harry Styles' kryptonite. Once she put her hand on his shoulder I knew we were done for so I did the only reasonable thing ."YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVE WOMAN!!" I screamed at the top

Of my lungs as I dragged Harry away. Once we were far enough from lilly, Harry let loose. "What the bloody hell mate?!" Harry was indeed pissed. "I'm sorry lad but I had a feeling you'd crack and tell her about the party were throwing her tonight to celebrate her graduaion!" Harry's expression changed from angry to guilty. "You alright love?" He looked up at me unaware that I knew he was upset. "Yeah Lou I'm fine." I knew he was lying but it's not like there was much I could have done. The man was too stubborn!


SHIT! Tonight was the night that Lills and I were going to have a movie night. How was I going to make it up to her. I mean I'm sure she'll be fine with it since she's getting a freaking party instead but still. Well I guess I'm just gonna have to serenade her some other way. That's when it hit me. I already had the lyrics in my head and everything!


Well shit now what am I suppose to do? I walked around the park I had ended up in hopelessly trying to figure out how I was gonna get home. The boys were sweet and all with whatever they were planning but they obviously didn't think about the fact that I WAS GONNA END UP STRANDED!! Geniuses! Ughhh I guess ill just walk 6 miles in heals! I started to walk up the road towards my house when I heard a loud car horn and a red Audi pull up next to me. "Hey baby wanna ride?" I wasn't a fan of taking rides from strangers until I saw the familiar face behind he wheel. "Jesse??!!" I couldn't believe it! I was face to face with the guy I've been in love with since the 3rd grade! "I'm back baby" He gave me a wink and I melted right there and than. Yep, he's sill got it! "Yes I would love a ride!" I squealed as I got into the passenger side of his car. "How are you Lil Lilly?!" That was his nickname for me back in grade school. "I'm great! I actually just graduated high school today!" He gave me this sexy grin as he pulled off the road that headed towards my house. "Well this calls for a celebration! I'm taking you out for ice cream!" OMG HE REMEMBERED MY LOVE FOR THE ICE THAT IS CREAM!!!! EEEEEEP! Ok calm down Lilly! It's not like he asked you to marry him or anything. But I couldn't help it. You know how they say out of sight, out of mind? Well now Jesse was in sight and ALL OVER MY MIND! Wow I never realized how crazy about him I was until now. Seconds after pulling into the Parking lot of my favorite ice cream shop, scoops for dayz, he was at my door and helping me out. What a gentlemen . "Here you go 'mlady" I couldn't help but smile. "Why thank you." I tossed back with a wink. That sure pleased him. I already knew exactly what I wanted as we walked up to the counter, but oddly enough so did he. I had completely forgotten how much he knew about me. You see, before I had this massive crush on him, we were super close. He knew more about me than I knew sometimes. I loved it! "So Lill how's life been treatin ya?" I had to think this one over. How was life treating me? "Life has been just dandy! " except for the fact that I have no idea what to do with my life now that high school is over. At first our conversation was a little all over the place but eventually we got back on track. He told me about his job as a waiter, where he's staying, and the rest of his amazing life while I just sat there staring at his perfect lips. After about two hours of catching up, we decided to head back to my place for dinner. It was a bit hard to find parking because there were so many damn cars on our block. I assumed all of the boys were just hanging it with Niall until I walked in. "SURPRISSEEEEEEE!!!!!"

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