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There were only three days left until the boys and I had to leave on our Take Me Home tour and Lills still hadn't told me whether she was coming with us or not. "Hey Lills! Made up your mind yet?" I asked as I walked into her room. When did it become so girly? There were Justin Bieber posters evereywhere! I mean not that I was complaining, I actually quite liked him. "Hey Ni. Sorry for the late reply! I had to think it over, but I've finally made my decision." I stood there in anticipation waiting for her answer. She's never been on tour with us before, but after the incident, I wasn't about to leave her here alone. "Yes. I'm coming with you!" Wait she says yes!! "YAYYY IM SO EXCITED!!" I screamed as I ran to embrace her in a hug. "Ow Ni!" Whoops. I had completely forgotten about her sore side. "Oh shit! Sorry sis!" She rolled her eyes at me with a smile forming on her lips. "I can't wait!! This is gonna be the most exciting month!" Month? Oh yeah.... The tour. I'm such a forgetful nut sometimes!


Aw fuck my head hurts! I sat up unaware of where I even was until I looked around. How did I end up in my house? Who.....what? I was so disoriented. "Hey mate! How you feeling?" My brother Jon walked into my room practically inhaling his waffle. "What happened last night?" My eyes couldn't adjust to the light no matter how hard I tried. I've never had a handover much less get drunk before which explains why I drank so much last night. I suddenly got the urge to throw up. I jumped up ignoring the pounding in my head and ran to the bathroom. When did I eat pizza? "First hangover?" Jon stood above me with a smirk on his face. "Shut up!" I grabbed the plunger and threw it at his face. " you wanna tell me how I got home last night?" I looked up expecting some witty remark which is exactly what I received. "Well ya stumbled through the door last night and than just sort of knocked out on the floor. I would have picked you up but......... I had to take a shit and than I forgot." He started laughing his ass off which made me mad. "You're such a douche!" He smiled at me. "I know." He winked at me than walked away. What a strong bond we have! But.... That still didn't explain how I got home or why I have massive bruise on the side of my face. I was about to ask Jon again, when I suddenly remembered. That asshole Harry punched me in the face! Wait! Lilly!!! What happened?! Oh no I hope I didn't hurt her. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I had to find Lilly and Harry better not be there or he's dead.


At the time,all the boys and I were all staying at Nialls. I mean, why not? We were practically family AND Niall lives in an 8 room mansion with only Lilly. So, there was no way we weren't gonna crash there. Almost everyone was standing out front with their luggage but someone was missing. Where's my Lillybilly? "Lills!!!!! Hurry your ass up!!" Niall was not one to sugarcoat. Just than, a mound of luggage,which Lilly was carrying, came toppling down the stairs. "I'm here guys!" All I could see of her were the converse night tops she wore on her feet. "What is all this??" Niall stepped forwards to grab her luggage and packed it away in the bus. "Well if we're in tour for a month, there's no way I'm packing light!!" Pshh that's for sure! It was almost 3:00 when finally loaded everyone last bag she had. The plane to France left at 4:30 so we had to leave. Like now. "Guys get your butt on the bus! We have to board the plane soon!" Once everyone was loaded on the bus Louis took charge. He grabbed the microphone at the front of the bus and very loudly made his take off anoucement. "WELCOME TO THE FUN BUS! THIS IS YOUR CONDUCTOR LOUIS THE TOMO TOMLINSON TELLING YOU TO PLEASE KEEP YOUR HANDS, FEET, TOES, FINGERS, EARS, LADY PARTS, AND ANYTHING ELSE IN THE BUS AT ALL TIMES! THANK YOU FOR RIDING WITH US TODAY! HAVE A LOVELY DAY! OH......AND......I LOVE YOU LILLY!" Louis looked directly at Harry when he made that last comment. What was that all about? Is there something I'm missing? Did Harry like Lilly???? HOLY BALLS! Lilly was mine though and I was gonna do everything I could on this tour to make it clear to the rest of the boys! We were about to pull out of the driveway when a small red car pulled up right in front of the bus and out stepped none other than Jesse.




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