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Yes!! We finally landed in France! It seems like it's been days! The food sucked, the people were loud, AND to top it all off Lilly and Harry wouldn't stop flirting! Can you imagine my excited when we landed?? I guess you could say I was a bit cranky.....but that's nothing food couldn't fix! "Bonjour!" I was instantly greeted by a mass of French babes. "BONJOUR!" I replied with my new found enthusiasm. Yep, this was gonna be a great month! "ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!" A girl with short brunette hair and dazzling blue eyes screamed as she and her friends ran full speed towards us. "bonjour! c'est agréable de vous rencontrer tous!" Harry stepped forward and flaunted his ability to speak more than one language. Showoff! "il parle français!" The girl shrieked to her friends. "What did she say?" I looked at Harry completely lost. "She said, HE SPEAKS FRENCH!!" I rolled my eyes at how smooth Harry was with the French ladies. I was jealous! Maybe I should think about learning another language. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw zayn run by pushing Lilly on a luggage cart. "Wait up zayn!" Louis and I ran up and jumped on too. "FOR NARNIA!!" Louis screamed at the top of his lungs! Right as Zayn pushed the cart, it topped over taking all of us down with it. "Ahhhh get your ass off me!" Lilly squealed from underneath Louis, Zayn, and I. "DOGPILE!!!!" Liam and Harry ran over and jumped up landing ass first on top of Louis. "OOOMPH!" It took a second before I realized we were crushing Lilly who still had a sore side. "GUYS GET OFF LILLY! HURRY!" I quickly pulled everyone off as everyone looked back at me disappointed that I ruined their fun. "Her side is still injured!" That snapped everyone to life. Harry and Zayn ran towards the fallen cart and began shoving everything off of her. "Thanks for breaking me ya turds!" Lilly was cracking up under the luggage. When I saw the tears of laughter streaming down her face, I couldn't help but join in. Soon enough everyone was rolling on the floor laughing as fans looked on with envy. "Hey guys! Lets go check out where we're gonna be camping out for the next month!" I grabbed my bags and lead the group towards the limo that was waiting right outside the airport.


"WHOOOHOOOO!" Lilly and I were screaming our heads off as we drove the luggage cart we found through the airport. I stood behind it and gave it a good push than ran and jumped up on top if it landed right on Lilly's leg. "Zayn your ass is crushing my leg!" Lilly was laughing so hard she was gasping for breath. "You like it!" I said as I wiggled my butt making her laugh even harder. "YOU BETTER NOT FART!" She knew me so well. Just than I let out a big one. "AWWW GROSS!!!!" I couldn't help it! I though as I laughed uncontrollably. "My bad woman!" The cart was slowing down so I decide to get off and give it another push. Just than Louis and Niall ran over and jumped right of top of us. "FOR NARNIA!!!!" Louis screamed, attracting the attention of anyone in earshot. Before the cart could pick up speed, it started to rock back and forth. In no time the cart had turned on its side and dumped out everything it contained. Where'd Lilly go? Just than Niall stared screaming something about Lilly and a sore side. CRAP! She was still injured and we were crushing her! Harry and I ran to the sides of the cart and quickly lifted everything off. "Thanks for crushing me ya turds!" I couldn't help but laugh at the tears of laughter running down her adorable face. Niall said something I couldn't hear and began collecting his stuff, so we all did the same. To the hotel we go!


Man! That was the most fun I've had in years! I thought to myself as I gathered my luggage and headed towards the limo out front. I hopped in and joined my brother at the very end near the window. "Woah look there's a hot tub in the middle of the limo!!!!" The boys weren't fazed one bit because as divas they were use to it......BUT I WASN'T! The drive to the hotel was a good hour and a half away and I was wearing my bathing suit under my clothes because it was so hot so........."LAST ONE IN IS A LOSER!" I screamed as I rushed to take my clothes off. The boys all looked at eachother amused than began to strip. I of course still beat them all! The boys were wearing nothing but boxers when I looked up. "Ahhh my eyes!" I yelled jokingly as I covered my eyes making sure to leave a crack in between my fingers. Mmm six packs..... Zayn and Liam sat on one side of me while Harry Louis and Niall sat on the other side. I could get use to this. "Lets play a game!" Louis insisted with ammusement. "Ok! What do you want to play?" I turned to face him. "DUCK DUCK GOOSE!!!! WAIT NO WOULD YOU RATHER!!!WAIT NO TRUTH OR DARE!" I had a feeling he would never stop so I quickly chose a game. "Truth or dare it is!" I quickly interrupted him before he began to name another game. Liam went first. "Niall, truth or dare?" Niall took a second to think it over. "Mmm dare!" Liam's face contorted into a mischievous grin. He whispered his dare into Harry's ear for approval and Harry instantly burst into laughter. "I dare your whole body out of the sunroof naked and scream Bonjour France!" Nialls face instantly turned a deep shade of red, but he was never one to push away a dare. As he stood up and grabbed the waist of his boxers, I quickly covered my eyes. This time I left no cracks in between my fingers. He was my brother for goodness sakes!! "BONJOUR FRANCE!!" Niall screamed receiving gasps from all over. The whole limo burst out laughing uncontrollably. I can't believe he did that!!! I mean it was a dare, BUT STILL!!! The whole city just saw his buns!!! #noshame! Next it was Harry turn. "Lou! Truth or dare?!" Louis instantly knew his answer. "Truth!" Knowing harry, he probably would have given Louis a dare that would get him kicked out of France and Louis knew it. "You're no fun! Ok, hmm are you a virgin?" Unlike me, Louis had no shame. "NOPE!!!!!!" He announced proud of his achievement. The boys all began to cat call at him as I sat there awkwardly. "When did this happen mate?" Harry asked him all seductive like. "Remember last summer when you were all at the beach and I stayed home because I was sick?" A smile spread across Louis lips as he continued his story. "Yeahhhhh" the boys answered curious of how the story would end. "Well.... I wasn't really sick. Elenor had called me the day before to tell me that she was in town and wanted to spend the day with me, so I got you all out of the way so we could.....ya know." He ended with cocky grin. "ATTA BOY!" Zayn hollered. At that moment we pulled up to our snazzy hotel. Thank the Lawd! Saved by the bell! I jumped up, pulled my shirt and shorts over my wet body, and stepped out of the limo to come face to face with none other than Jesse.

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