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Lilly's POV

I couldn't shake the thought of my parents out of my head. No Lilly don't think about that now! This is a happy day. BE HAPPY!! My mood bad mood lifted a bit as I saw Harry coming towards me. He looks so handsome in his leather jacket, body hugging white V-Neck shirt, and dark wash skinny jeans. No Lilly! Don't think about him like that! He your best friend and no

More. "Hey Lillybilly you alright love?" I hadn't realized others could tell I was upset so I just played it off cool. "Yeah Hazza I'm fine." I could tell he didn't buy it but hey, can you blame me? He started mentioning something about a movie tonight, but how could I when all I could focus on were his luscious curls and how they caressed his perfect face along with those piercing green eyes. Snap out of it Lilly!! My thoughts were interrupted when the rest of the boys came up to congratulate me. Well first Louis practically broke my eardrums AND my back! I swear that boy was no sack of potatoes. Next thing you know, I'm in zayns big strong arms as he's lifting me off the ground in a hug "My baby is growing up" he says emotionally. I've always liked his hugs. Mmm he smells like Zayn. I looked over at Harry expecting him to laugh like he always does when someone carries me. He says it makes me look like a baby koala. Whatever the hell that means. My expectations were shot down when I look looked over to see Harry scowling. Was it something I did? Something I said? I wasn't about to let that ruin my day so I just let it slip. Last but not least Liam come up to me hugging me from behind and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "Congrats Lillybillacus!" I couldn't help but smile at his cheesy nickname.

Something didn't feel right though. Someone was missing. I can't believe I didn't notice this earlier. Everyone was there except the one guy I needed to see most. "Thanks boys but wait, where's Niall?!" I looked around frantically trying to find my brother but he was nowhere to be seen. I gave one last once over when I spotted the back his blonde head. I let out a gasp. "Where is he going?" I cried out as I saw him get into his car and start he engine. "Errmm.....uhhhh...." The boys all started talking at once. Something was definitely up. I walked over to the weakest link of the group and placed my hand on his shoulder. Pshhh we were best friends. I knew exactly how to get something out of him. "Harrbear" I whispered in his ear seductively trying to catch his attention. "Do you wanna tell me what your hiding?" I placed my body right up against his and slowly placed my hand on his chest. "Duhhhh ummm....." He began to stutter which he never did unless he was truly tying to hide something. "Come on big boy" I continued to whisper. "Tell me what you're hiding." He was about to crack I just know it. Just than Louis pulled him away and all four of them began to run and I mean full on run away from me. Harry looked back apologetically as Louis screamed "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH US ALIVE WOMAN!!!" typically Louis. Ughh well I guess I'm just gonna have to wait and see. Bloody hell! Niall was my ride home! Shit!

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