Chapter 10

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Waiting for this love


I have been keeping what Taylor told me a secret for a long time now. I want to tell Reb-Becky, I keep forgetting that, what Taylor said but it would crush and I mean crush her. Taylor and her aren't even friends anymore but I know it will kill her.


Camila still hasn't told me what Taylor said. I know it has to be bad if she hasn't said anything. But once again I'm not pushy or nosy so I'll wait for her to tell me.


It took a lot for me to not tell Becky my feelings. I would have but now I'm second guessing myself.

She wouldn't like me back. She's a player. It's usually the guy that's a player but now it's her. She says she's done with that but can you blame me for this. Plus she probably only thinks of me as a friend.

Also I might have a shot with Taylor. Becky's ex bestie. She may have been a player too but I actually have a shot with her.

The only reason I know this is because she called me on the phone after I went home. She was very convincing.


My plan is falling into place perfectly. Other than the Rebecca thing. She was supposed to still be my friend. Other than that my plan is perfect.

I should be done with my plan in about a few months tops. Hahaha wow I'm really evil.


"Becky your probably wondering what happened between me and Taylor. Look I want to tell you but it's going to crush you and she said that if I told you only bad things would happen.", Camila says looking at the ground.

I knew it was bad but she's making it sound horrible.

"I don't care about what Taylor can 'do' please tell me.", I beg.

"Fine but please don't be mad at me afterwards.", she begs holding out her pinkie. I link pinkies with her.

"I promise.", I say.

"Okay so Taylor was partly using you. She was using you hoping that she could find something out about Austin. You never actually told her about your liking towards him so she dug up the dirt herself. She read your diaries and journals. She found what she was looking for.

She knows you like him but that's not the bad thing. What she's using that information for is. I don't know why but she suddenly has this plan. She wants to date Austin, make him fall in love with her then leave him. Like Vanessa did. I think maybe they kept in touch. During the process she's going to ruin your guys' friendship.", she says shocking me.

I open my mouth but no words come out. My stomach just turned. I feel like a piece of my insides are burning. I feel like I want to kill Taylor. The only time I've ever felt like this was when Austin just forgot about me. I was so angry and sad. She side hugs me sympathetically. "I'm so sorry Becky.", she says again.

"It's not your fault, it's hers. The sad thing is there's nothing I can do about it. If I don't cooperate with her all the other girls from the group will make sure whatever she wants to happen will happen. Looks like my friendship and soon to be relationship is over and will never happen.", I choke out. 

"We need to get Vanessa back into town.", I say with a rather fierce voice. "We have some plan making to do after school.", Camila agrees. "I can't after school I have that stupid date thingie.", I say defeated.

"Oh that? You won't be attending. Your feeling rather sick and might be coming down with a cold.", she says and raises an eyebrow. "I think I'm feeling it.", I say and fake cough.

She walks, more like runs, me to the bathroom so I can call my mother to pick us up.

If I'm sick so is Camila.

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