Chapter 25

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Waiting for this love


Once I got settled into my seat on the plane (which was next to the window) a girl my age sat in the seat next to me.

Me and her talked for the first part of the flight but after that I put my headphones in and took a nap.


I woke up to the plane jerking. It scared me at first then I realized it was just landing. Whew! I thought I was going to die😂.

I grabbed my bags and stood in the walkway with everyone else waiting to get off this plane.

It took like twenty minutes but I finally got off the plane. I went through the halls and found my way to the pickup area.

I saw Camilla and Austin standing over by the door with huge smiles on their faces. "Gosh don't be so excited to see me!" I said. "Oh that was all an act, I didn't miss you foo!" Camilla shot back smiling. I rolled my eyes and gave them both a hug.

As we were walking out to the car I remembered the thing I told the girls about Austin. How I said that I love him. That's all that's on my mind right now. I was walking beside Camilla and Austin was like third wheeling behind us.

I let go of my bags and turned around causing Austin to practically run into me. He stopped like 4 inches in front of me. I pulled him into a tight hug. It's a good thing he embraced back because it would have been soooooo embarrassing if he hadn't. We hugged for a while until Camilla noticed we weren't walking with her and turned around.

"Awwwwwwwwww." She said for longer than necessary. My head was buried in his chest and his head was bent over onto my shoulder. I was standing on my tippy toes so that he was able to put his head on my shoulder.

I heard the 'click' sound of a camera and pulled away from the hug. "Girl did you just take a picture!?" I asked while spinning around. "Mhm." She hummed taking another picture.

She kept snapping them so I was making different poses like a model. 'Snap' 'Snap' 'Snap' picture after picture. "Okay that was enough of my amazing modeling." I sighed grabbing onto my stuff once again.

We finished walking to the car and I put my stuff in the trunk. I climbed into the back and buckled myself into the middle seat. Austin sat in the passenger seat and Camilla drove.

It was another drive filled with singing but the only voice I heard was Austin's. He has a great voice. I hope he gets known for it someday.

We pulled up in front of my house. I am so excited to see my dad. It's been a while. I left my stuff and friends behind and ran into the house. I found my dad sitting on the couch watching football. "DAD!" I shouted.

He turned his head and jumped off the couch. "Oh Becky." He said with tears in his eyes. "I missed you so much." and with that we embraced me into a bone crushing hug.

I missed him so much it's crazy. I oddly am excited for school. I finished talking to my dad and Austin carried my things to my room.

I raced to the top of the stairs and burst through my bedroom door. It's been two long, but in reality it's only been weeks. My room was clean, which I thought was weird because I had left it thrashed when I got my things. "DAD!" I yelled down the stairs. "YES HONEY?" He called back.

"DID YOU CLEAN MY ROOM?" I called once more. "YEAH I THOUGHT YOUD WANT TO COME HOME TO A CLEAN ROOM." He finished our conversation.

I looked over at Austin and smiled. I may love this boy but I'm not going to tell him just yet. He needs to earn the right to know. "I'm going to unpack you should go get Camilla and bring her up here." I said and he nodded rushing to go get her.

I really want to tell her about Austin. I feel like I need to tell her because she's my best friend. I put all my stuff away and as I was finishing Camilla walked in. "What's up?" She asked me.

"I really need to tell you something." I sighed. "Is something wrong?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "It's quite the opposite." "Tell me tell me tell me!!!" She practically shouts. 'Okay' I whisper getting closer because you never know who's listening. I sound like a little kid with a crush. 'So you know how I told you I like Austin?' I whisper asked. She nodded and motioned me to continue.

'I'm pretty positive I'm in love with him' I whispered quickly. Her expression was shocked and her mouth hung open. "Dude close your mouth!" I shouted trying to snap her out of it.

She shook her head looking like she's coming out of a trance. "Sorry ,what?!" She exclaimed again. "You heard me so don't start!" I exclaimed quietly.

------------After talking and cleaning----------

A soft knock was heard at my door. I raced to open it and saw Austin standing there. "Uh your dad wanted me to tell you that lunch is done." He said. Whenever he speaks to me I get excited to know what he's going to say. I could listen to him talk for hours.

I told Camilla and we walked with Austin downstairs. I was watching him as he walked down the stairs. Camilla nudged me. 'Stop staring ya creep!' She whispered. 'Don't tell me what to to do!' I whispered back. We just went on and on.

"Secrets don't make friends guys." Austin said sternly. "Well we're already your friends so who we tryna impress?" Camilla sasses. He rolled his eyes playfully and I laughed along with him.

We finally got to the bottom of the stairs and I was walking alongside Austin. With every step our hands brushed and I started to feel the sparks all over my body.

He grabbed my hand for a second and hugged me. It was all so quick I didn't get to hug back before he let go and kept walking.



Okay this was for Nevaeh lol xoxo💋💋

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