Chapter 22

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Waiting for this love


I just called Becky yesterday but I'm anxious to know what her response is. I know my odds aren't very good but all I can do is hope, hope that she finds it in her heart to forgive me. It's most likely not going to happen but oh well.

I don't even know what day of the week it is. (I forgot what day it was so its going to be a Friday.)I just got ready for school. I knew it wasn't the weekend yet because my school alarm went off.  After I was ready I headed off to school because it was almost time for school. It turns out that it's Friday.

Today was a quiet day up until the bell rang before my last period of the day. I exited the classroom and ran into Taylor. I don't know why I haven't broke up with her yet but I'm going to now. "Taylor can I speak with you?" I ask her. "Of course babe anything for you." She said smiling.

If she didn't like me she was a great actor. "Look I don't think things between us are working out-" I say but she cuts me off. "Of course things are working between us. Especially now that Becky is gone, I can have you to myself." She continues to smile.

"No they aren't. Please understand that I don't like you anymore. I'm trying to keep my class and let you down easy but you're making this hard." As I finish saying the bell rings. "Whatever I didn't like you anyway. I have to go to class." She says with a scoff.

After she turns her back I rush to the gym. I make it into the classroom just as Mr. Hess was taking roll. He went down the list and checked off names as he went.

When it appeared he was done he turned to us. "I have been informed that Rebecca will be joining us again next week on Wednesday. Her father has informed us that she was terribly sick but she is getting better." He said while turning his back to put his clipboard away.

My heart began to beat really fast when he said she would be back. It just leaves me to wonder if it's true. Will she be coming back? When she comes back will she talk to Taylor? Will she have forgiven me? Will Camila tell me anything she says? I begin to ask myself all these questions which of course resolve around her.

She seems to be the only thing on my mind anymore. I write down paragraphs for her during my classes, and I'm pretty sure I made a song. I'll tell you about it later.

I finish the rest of gym and head back to the changing room to get into daily attire. When that was completed I gathered my belongings from my locker for the weekend and rushed home.


After I got ready for the day I watched 'Empire' again. Around 3:30 I got a call from my dad. "Hey dad." I answer the call.

"Hey honey.  I just called the school to tell them you would be back to school next Wednesday. That might not be as much time as you would want but I would really like you back in school." He said to me.

"Actually dad that's perfect I want to be back. Hopefully mom will be awake by then. Will you video call me next time you see her please?" I ask him. "Of course!" He exclaims.

"Thanks dad. I'll talk to you another time. Bye I love you." I say to him and he says goodbye as well.

I'm sorta excited to go back to school but at the same time I'm dreading it. It's the same feeling I had before I called my dad. I'm ecstatic that he's going to video call me next time he sees my mom.

I just continued to watch my show until it was time to eat dinner.

Ally made dinner and it looks delicious. I took a seat in between Vanessa and Zach. Across from me was Landen and Ally sat next to him so she was across from Zach.

I began to eat and it was good. "Thanks Ally this is good you should cook more often." I complement her. Trying to confident with my words. I think I succeeded because everyone was looking at me.

"I'm working on myself." I said smiling. They all nodded and continued to eat.

After dinner I took a shower and went to sleep. 


Another one and yes Becky is going to see Austin again. She's going back to school! Xoxo💋

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