Chapter 23

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Waiting for this love


I woke up feeling better than usual. I'm no longer sad or upset with what happened. It's in the past now so I'm getting over it. I'm somewhat excited to get back to school. Even though it should be the last thing on my mind, I'm excited to see...... Austin.

I've decided to forgive him. It's not his fault Taylor is deceiving. She can be the worst, and I knew that but I've never been on the other side of it. She was always like this to other people but I never realized how mean it is until it's targeted at me.

Camila probably heard from school that I'll be coming back but I need to tell her personally.

I took my phone from my pocket and looked at the time. It was exactly 7:34 and nobody was awake yet.

I decided to take a shower and get dressed for the day.

-------After Shower-------

I was dressed in a black tank top with maroon colored roses on it. I matched it with maroon colored jeans from Aeropostale. I wore all black converse to match along with the outfit.

My makeup was just a casual mascara and lipgloss look.

It was now 7:58 and still nobody was awake. Lazy people gosh. I decided it would be nice to make breakfast. I made blueberry pancakes on those weird hot panish thingies the put two on each plate and set them on the table. Then I got out two medium sized pans and put them on the stove.

I fried two eggs in one pan and cooked some breakfast sausage in the other.

After the first two eggs were done I put in two more. The sausages had just finished and as I was taking them out and putting them on a separate plate some grease flew up and hit me on the arm. "Ouch!" I exclaim shaking my arm.

I ran cold water over it for like thirty seconds and then turned the faucet off. Now it hurts.

I remembered about breakfast. I finished putting sausages on the plate and flipped the eggs.

I put the sausage plate on the table and then the eggs were finished. I put one on everybody's plate except my own because I'm not in an egg mood today.

I sat at the table but nobody came out. Omgeee. Lazys.

I got up to go wake them. I ran down the hall banging on everyone's doors. Eventually heads peeked out and looked at me. "What take a picture it will last way longer." I said looking at all of them.

"Anyway I made breakfast and nobody came out so I woke you guys up." I say with a big smile.

I saw them nod and then they followed me into the dining room and sat in front of a plate. I sat in front of the plate without an egg.

"Take as many sausages as you want I made plenty and burned myself in the process." I say holding my arm up as proof. Nobody says a word. "Omg somebody say something before I freak out." I say adding a sigh on the end. "Good morning Becky." Someone said smiling at me. That someone was Zach.

"Thank you Zach, for being the only one to say good morning to me. Actually for being the first one to talk to me." I say smiling back.

"What happened to you?" Asks Landen. "What are you taking about?" I ask him clearly confused. "I thought you were quiet and stuff." He says with a chuckle.

"Well not anymore. If you were wondering this is how I usually am. When I was quiet and not talking it was because I was sad and stuff but if I'm quiet like that it usually means there is something wrong. I like to talk. A lot. It usually bothers people that I talk so-" I was cut off by Vanessa.

"They get it." She said.

I looked around and everyone was looking at me intently. I nodded and continued to eat my breakfast.

I really feel like myself again. I didn't notice before but I'm being the regular me again. This is good.

"So I seem to be the only one trying to be social." I say after a 5 minute awkward silence.

"Sorry about that." Ally said. "So I'm going back on Tuesday....." I say followed by silence. "Seriously?" Landen asked.

"Yeah I still want to graduate. Then I'll come back here, hopefully you guys will still let me stay here? Then I'm going to try and get into University of Miami." I ask hopeful.

"Well duh you'll still stay here we all enjoy having you here. Especially now that you like to talk!" Zach said.

"Sometimes I forget you're younger than us!" Ally says. "I know right!" Landen exclaims. I sigh.

After everyone was finished I made the boys wash dishes so I could talk to the girls.

We went to my room and squeezed to fit on my small bed. "So I wanted to tell you guys the whole story because you're probably wondering everything. Especially you Vanessa." I pause and they both nod.

"So Vanessa knows about everything that happened up to this day." I say and she nods taking it from there. "Her best friend went out with a girl that didn't let him be friends with Becky anymore. So they didn't talk until this year." She says.

"Yep, so then me and him started talking again a while ago. We got really close again and my strong feelings for him were still there. I thought that he likes me too but I guessed wrong.

He went after my 'best friend' because she liked him. Her name is Taylor. I saw them at the mall together and we had a conversation that probably ended our friendship forever but she deserves it." I say with a sigh. Ally rubs my arm as an indication to go on.

"When I got home after school that day with my best friend Camilla my dad was home and my mom wasn't. That's unusual because dad works a lot and mom is home. I asked him why he was home and he said my mom had been in an accident and is in a coma and she still is." I say.

"Auntie Alex is in the hospital?" Vanessa asks upset. I nod. "Why didn't you tell me sooner!?" She exclaims.

"I didn't think my dad wanted everyone to know yet." I sigh and she nods with tears.

"Anyway, after I found out, I was mad that he didn't tell me right when it happened so I ran to the park with Camilla. I locked myself in the bathroom for over an hour. I heard knocking for the millionth time and I figured it was Camilla because she had been trying to get me to let her in for a while.

I unlocked the door for her to come in but it was only Austin. I was beyond mad at him so I made him leave and then I left.

I went home and my dad was gone. I packed a few things and left a note for my parents and told Camilla where I was and asked her not to tell anyone and then I came here." I say.

"Gosh your dad must miss you like crazy!" Ally exclaims. I nod. "My mami won't be on life support for much longer so my dad is going to FaceTime me when he goes to see her again." I begin to cry.

"But I'm excited to go back. This was a well needed break but I'm ready." I slightly smile. "I'm even ready to forgive Austin."

"Why after everything?" They ask.

"Because............ I think I'm in love with him." I look down while answering honestly.


Gahhhh okay there

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