Chapter 5: Our Secret Place.

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Do you ever have those times when you wish you could escape the world? And just roam your own special place, with no troubles, or worries, and it's just a place for you and who or whatever you want? 

There are always different types of people. Those who love their lives, and have no regrets. There are those who don't exactly like their life and they just want to escape. But they don't want to die. And there are people who hate their life and they are so miserable that they think the only way out is death.

Well I was one of those many people. I didn't necessarily like my life, but I didn't want to die. I just wanted a special place to escape reality for a while. And I had that place.

I was in 4th grade at the time. And I went home with Eric just like any other day. But on the walk home, I started to get an idea.

"Ya know, we should have our own place." I said looking down at my feet.

"Avery we're too young for that. And plus I don't have any money." Replied Eric.

"No ya doof, I mean like a secret place. Just for me and you. A place for us to escape the world."

"Okay, well where would this place be?" Asked Eric.

A smile formed on my face. 

"Follow me" I said while running.

"Avery wait!" Called Eric.

To get to our houses everyday, Eric and I had to cross through these mysterious woods. I had only ever explored it once. Other times I just walked through it. But inside the woods, was an abandoned tree house. Which took a lot of climbing to reach.

"Avery why are we here?" Asked Eric.

"I told you, for our secret place." I responded.

"It's the middle of the woods.."

"I am very aware of that. But our secret place won't be here silly, look above you."

Eric looked up and saw the gigantic tree house right above him.

"Woah, how will we get up there?" Asked Eric.

"How do you think? We climb."

I started climbing up the tree with Eric below me. When I finally reached the top, I went inside of the tree house. It was a lot bigger than it looked. But it was very empty. There were two windows and a treasure chest on the opposite side of the entrance. 

I walked over to the treasure chest and opened it.

"What's in it?" Eric asked.

"Nothing. It's empty." I answered. "This is perfect! We can put important things in here."

"Like what?"

"Anything. Notes, diaries, our favorite toys, money, anything!"

"Avery you're a genius!  But we should probably start heading home before my mother gets worried." Said Eric in a worried tone.

"You're right. But let's come back here tomorrow. Just tell your mom that we're going to the library for a couple of hours." I said.

"Okay" Eric said with a smile.

He grabbed my hand and we ran all the way home. 

We went there everyday after school. And we turned it into our own special place. We decorated it, painted it, and engraved our initials on the inside. We put anything that was special to us inside of the treasure chest.

Whenever we were there, we would talk about our day. Or we would just talk in general. Sometimes we didn't say anything. We just enjoyed the company. 

When I moved, I was gone for years. And it got to the point that I wasn't even sure if we would ever go back.

In all the time I was gone, I only got one letter from Eric. I was in my Freshman year of high school.  And when I got that letter, words couldn't even begin to describe my excitement.

Dear Avery,

I miss you like crazy. Ever since you left, things haven't been the same. I still haven't made any friends, and I get bullied a lot. Not a day goes by that you haven't crossed my mind. I still go to our secret place everyday after school in hopes that I'll see you there. But I never do. I put little tiny notes in our treasure chest every once in a while. Avery, a lot has happened since you moved. My parents got a divorce. It was more like my dad left us actually. But me and my mother have been managing. My mom misses you too. She talks about you constantly. Come home Avery, I need you. And I don't know how much longer I can survive without you.

With love, Eric.

Dear Eric, 

I miss you too. Ever since my mom died, my dad started drinking every single day. As a matter of fact, I almost never see him anymore. He comes home, grabs a beer, and then leaves again. I need you Eric. I miss you. I miss your family. I haven't made any friends either. I'm still that creepy weird girl with no friends. I promise I'll come home as soon as I can. Tell your mother that I miss her too. I love you guys.

Love, Avery.

That was the last time I heard from Eric since I moved. We only stayed there a couple more years before we finally moved back. But I'll talk about that a different time.

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