Chapter 1: Meet Avery

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Love is a very powerful thing. It can change people, and it can destroy people. Sometimes two people fall madly in love with each other, and spend the rest of their lives together. Or sometimes they get a divorce because one didn't love the other, or one cheated on the other. Sometimes love is one sided and that person is never the same. And some people simply don't believe in love for it is a waste of their time.

Well I can tell you one thing. I was one of those many people I mentioned. I fell in a one sided love. But I didn't know it at the time. You see, the boy I fell in love with, he was my best friend. Someone I could say anything to, someone who was there for me when no one else was. So what did you expect?

Sometimes, when you fall in love with someone, you never realize it until it's too late. Or maybe you never realize it at all. I can't really say that I ever knew I loved him. Because I didn't. But at the time, he made me feel different. Special. All I knew was that I didn't feel that way about anybody else. I was never able to describe the feeling. But I never thought it would be love.

I was the kind of kid who didn't have any friends. I always sat in the back of the class, and nobody bothered to talk to me. I was the really strange kid who sat by herself in the corner at recess. It didn't bother me, surprisingly. I kind of enjoyed being alone. But there were times when I got too lonely. And I wished that I had someone other than my parents to comfort me. I don't have any siblings. Nobody was there to prepare me for life. So I had to prepare myself. I had to learn to be brave and confident all by myself. I know what you're thinking,
"Why couldn't your parents just teach you these things?"
The answer is simple. My parents were gone most of the time. My dad was always out working so he could afford to pay the bills. He didn't make very much money at his job, so he had to work 5 times as hard to get enough. And my mom, she was at work too. But when she wasn't working, she was either sleeping or out partying. I'm glad that we have our dog Mittens to keep me company for when they were gone.

I can't remember the last time the three of us ever spent quality time together. But I remember that it was one of the happiest times of my life.
Love was strange with my parents. As a matter of fact, I don't think that they love each other at all. They're simply both in the marriage to see who can hold on the longest. And who will be first to break. Or maybe they won't divorce for my sake. Because they don't want their only child to go through that. It honestly wouldn't bother me much if they did get a divorce. It's not like I'd be able to spend very much time with them either way.

School is tough. But with no distractions, I'm easily a grade "A" student. Society is funny, because after people started finding out that I had an "A" in every subject, they wanted to partner up with me all the time, and be my "friend" but I would always turn them down. I've learned the difference of when people actually want to be your friend and when they're just using you.

The day that I met my best friend is the day that I'll never forget.

My name is Avery Malik. I am not the tallest but I'm also not the shortest. I have Hazel eyes, but to most people they seem brown. I have medium long, curly blonde hair, and I have freckles just across the bridge of my nose.

This is my story.

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