Chapter 9: Dark Days.

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Ever since the day Eric asked out Chelsea, we weren't really friends anymore. I mean I guess it was kind of my fault, I was the one pushing him away... But I mean, it's hard to talk to someone, let alone look at someone that you were so in love with, even if they are, were, your best friend. 

We went from having brief conversations to just nodding at each other in the hallways. Since Eric was my only friend, I went back to my old habits of sitting by myself at lunch, and being partners with myself in class. 

Except for one day. 

"Hello," I heard a deep voice, but it wasn't Eric's. 

"Hi," I said without looking up.

"I'm new here. My name's James. I couldn't help but notice you from all the way across the room"

"Why is that?" I said, still not looking up.

He pulled out a chair next to me. I finally looked at him.

When I saw him, I couldn't take my eyes away. He had dark brown hair pulled up in a quiff, and he had the prettiest green eyes. They reminded me of Eric. He was wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. But no matter how gorgeous, nobody could measure up to Eric. 

"Because you're probably the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." he replied.

I could feel my face get red.

"Do you say that to every girl you come across?" I said with a smirk.

"Nope, you're the first."

We had a nice conversation. We decided to have lunch together that day. We talked even more. It was nice to talk to someone. After the longest time I was finally able to get my mind off of Eric.

"I'd like to get to know you more." Said James. "How about tomorrow night at 8?"

"It's a date." I said with a smile. 

At the end of the day, James and I said our goodbyes. And I ran all the way home with the biggest smile on my face. But I somehow found myself back at the treehouse. I walked inside and found Eric.

"Ya know I've been coming here everyday for two months, waiting for you." Said Eric.

"I'm sorry." Was all I was able to say.

"Why did you stop talking to me? Was it because of Chelsea? Do you not like her or something? Because you can tell me."

"Eric, I know I can. And it's way more complicated than that."

Eric stood up and got closer to me.

"Well then please, by all means, explain it to me. Because it has KILLED me, not talking to you for two frikkin months."

"I can't explain it to you! It's not as easy as it sounds! As much as I would love to tell you why, I can't" I said, backing away.

"What did I ever do to you, to make you hate me?" Eric asked getting closer.

"I don't hate you Eric, the opposite actually... But you wouldn't understand."

"Well then maybe we should talk about it at a more appropriate setting. Tomorrow?"

"I can't... I have a date..." I said.

"With who?" Eric asked sounding concerned.

"He's a new guy. His name's James."

"Well Avery, it's either me, or James." Said Eric walking out of the treehouse.

I was still madly in love with  Eric. So that was an obvious choice. 

I ran out of the treehouse, past Eric, and ran all the way home.

I ran upstairs to my room and pulled out my cellphone to call James. No answer.

"Hey James, um, it's me... I um just called because I needed to tell you something, so uhhh, just call me when you get this... Okay goodbye" I quickly hung up. It wasn't long before he called back.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Well hello, 'Me'" He responded.

I giggled.

"So what is it you needed to tell me?" He asked.

"About tomorrow night..."

"Ahhh you're cancelling on me already" He interrupted.

"No, no, no. It's not like that. Believe me I was so looking forward to it. But some family stuff came up that I can't really talk about..." I said.

"Well whoever the guy is, he better be good to you." Said James.

"Wait, what?" I said sounding confused.

"Believe me, I've used every excuse in the book for all the reasons you could imagine. I hope all goes well. Call me later."

"Wait James,-"

"Goodbye Avery" Said James laughing before he hung up. 

And the wait begins.

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