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Hannah and Caleb had just arrived at the scene just as they saw Arianna shoot a fireball at Ethan, Chris, and Ciana which made them all fly backwards and pass out. "Stop!! Caleb yelled. Arianna turned and glared at him just before shooting some lava at him. He quickly deflected it with water as he ran away. "What's going on?!" Hannah screamed. Striking a bolt of lightning inches away from Arianna on purpose. She just stood there perfectly still. "I don't know!" Caleb answered back. Just then Arianna sped away and was gone within an instant. "Should we follow her?" Caleb asked as Hannah flew down and landed next to him. "Let's wake them up first," Hannah said pointing. "Good idea." Caleb said as he walked over to Ethan, Chris, and Ciana pouring a ton of water over their heads. "Ghaa!" Ethan screamed. "What was that for?!" "Sorry" Caleb answered. "What's going on?!" Hannah asked as Chris awoke. "I don't know." He answered back. By now almost everyone in the restaurant had left except for the workers. "It's probably just best if all of you evacuate the premises and come back tomorrow." Chris explained to them. They obeyed and got into their cars and sped home. "Okay, now to deal with this." Chris said, "I think she might be working with Rahn."

Hannah and Ethan just stood there with their mouths gaped open. "Rahn?!" Hannah screamed. "Why?!" Ethan yelled. "I don't know." Chris said. "But for whatever reason, I don't think it's her fault. We need to try and find her so we can get her back." "So we will find her and get her back!" Caleb answered. "Ciana, sweetheart I think you should go home, I don't want you to get hurt." "Okay," she answered. "I love you." She said as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Be careful, all of you. Good luck." She said as she ran off to her car.  "She just said she loved me!" Chris squealed. "Yeah, yeah. So what do we do now?" Hannah asked. "Well, I guess we go track down Rahn." Chris answered. "Well, you won't have to look far." A voice said behind them. They all knew who it was without even turning around. Rahn. He was with Arianna and K. "Arianna?! Don't you know who we are?!" Caleb yelled. She just stared back smiled and cracked her knuckles and her neck. She looked really intimidating. "Get ready to defend yourselves but try not to hurt her. At least not until we know what's going on." Chris said. "Attack!!" Rahn yelled as all three of them ran towards Caleb and the others.

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