The Portrait's Song

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Chapter 4: The Portrait's Song

The fat lady's attempt at singing seemed to rattle the castle walls as she screamed for the fifth time that evening. All students covered their ears as Harry yelled out:

"Fortuna Major!"

"Not yet, I must break the glass!" The portrait insisted and she drew another breath to wail. Hermione braced herself and Ron covered his ears.

"Now can we come in?" Lucy begged once the torture had ceased momentarily.

"No!" She shouted and went to try again just as Shona yelled at her.

"Stop the bloody torture! It's a shame Lockhart really was a fake because we really could use someone to get rid of this banshee right now!"

"What is going on up here?" Snape barked as he reached the painting.

"This old cow won't stop trying to break that glass with the purity of her voice," Shona hissed. "Does she even realise that the glass isn't real?"

"Really, your voice is beautiful," Lucy promised the portrait kindly as she stared open mouthed at Shona. "But we'd all really love it if we could get some rest."

"Well at least someone has been raised with manners. I'll let you all in after one last try," the fat lady promised and raised the glass.

"No, you will not!" Snape barked. "If you do not let the students in immediately I will be calling Dumbled—"

The portrait ignored him and instead ditched her attempt at singing and screamed instead. All covered their ears, including Snape, until she smashed the glass at the back of her portrait and gasped in triumph.

She brushed the shards of glass from her hands before turning to the students. "Now, what's the password?"

"FORTUNA MAJOR!" Came the cry of every single Gryffindor waiting to be admitted.

"Oh off you go, you ungrateful children!" She folded her arms and the Gryffindor's were able to pass through, grumbling complaints about her stunt all the way.

Snape turned to Lucy who still lingered behind when he felt someone's hand brush his shoulder. "Goodbye, Professor," came the soft voice of Jessica Stone before she slipped inside the common room. "I'd love you to show me around sometime."

"I'm not busy Sunday," he blurted out.

"Sunday," she breathed before the portrait door shut behind her. It was now empty as the fat lady had no doubt gone to gossip with some friends.

Snape turned back to Lucy and braced himself for her inquisitiveness but none came, she'd just waved to Hermione who she'd been chatting to while she waited for her father. Her friend had no doubt scampered down to the library for some late night reading.

"I came to see if you were alright," Snape voiced which was half true, Jessica's detour had given him even more of a reason to come to this part of the castle.

"Well it's just as well you did come, it looks like we would've all been finding alternative dormitories if it wasn't for your arrival," Lucy admitted with a smile. "I'm sure she can sing really but probably wanted an audience after an empty castle over the summer."

Snape was fascinated by his daughters ability to see the best in everyone even after all the hardships she'd faced and found himself in awe of her briefly. His thoughts were tainted, however, by the dementor from earlier. "Are you sure you're okay after what happened earlier? You never did tell me specifics."

Lucy turned to him, wide eyed. Her words seemed reluctant to escape her mouth. "I didn't want to scare you."

"Few things can scare me, Lucy."

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