Hogsmede trip

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Chapter 9: Hogsmede trip

Lucy was still a little confused how a spell could get rid of a terrible creature like a dementor. Lucy got changed into her nightwear, she silently fell asleep with thoughts buzzing around her head.


The next morning Lucy woke up feeling better and more alive than yesterday, today was a Friday so one day of school couldn't hurt. She got up got changed into her school clothes and headed downstairs. Snape was sitting in his arm chair, he was staring into somewhere distant, it was as if the life had been taken from him.

"Dad what's up?" Lucy asked him.

"Nothing..." Snape still stared at nothing in particular, his mouth barley moved when he spoke the words.

"Is it because of yesterday?"

"I suppose so..."

Lucy shook her head and knelt down next to the chair he was sitting in.

"Dad i'm fine, there's nothing to worry about, my cold has almost gone and sure I might have some stitches on my neck but there is nothing to worry about"

"Your right, i'm worrying about nothing...You better head down to the great hall for some breakfast"

"Ok then, see you later" Lucy waved goodbye to her dad and headed down to the great hall where she saw Fred at the entrance.

He turned around and gasped.

"Lucy! Are you ok?" Fred dashed to Lucy's side and put an arm around her waist

"Yes i'm fine thank you"

"But the stitches on your neck, what happened?"

"Dementor decided to grab hold of me, suffered a minor injury that's it"

"We better go see the others, they will probably want to know what has happened to you"

Fred and Lucy walked into the great hall, Lucy'd friends stood up to greet her, but before they could Malfoy stepped in.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Snape and Weasley, and I see Snape has some stitches, was it where I thrashed her in the fight?"

"I don't think so, you couldn't even hurt a bug, your such a wimp"

"Nice save..." Fred whispered in Lucy's ear

"Oh really? Want to bet?"

"I already have because I won the last fight"

"I gave you a broken nose!"

"I gave you a sprained wrist!"

"Shove off Malfoy and go head back to the dogs you call Crabbe and Goyle" Fred stepped in

"No not until Snape tells me why she got the stitches"

"Malfoy?" Shona tapped Draco on the shoulder "I believe you should prove that your not a wimp"


"BY FIGHTING ME!" Shona dived at Malfoy 

Lucy gasped, Shona had told Lucy she had got into a fight at her muggle school, because she didn't agree with bully's...But then again Malfoy was a bully.

"MCGUIRE, MALFOY STOP THIS NONSENSE IMMEDIATLEY!" Snape yelled at the two kids who were having a fight, just then McGonagall rushed outside to see them fighting as well. 

Snape grabbed Malfoy by the tie and Shona by the hair.

"OW!" Shona screamed.

"You two are going to be in serious trouble if you don't tell me why you were fighting!" McGonagall said.

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