Oh dear...

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Chapter 20: Oh dear...

Snape and Lucy followed the students to the Hogwarts train. The crowd was babbling with Christmas spirit as the snow began to fall. Nobody really stared at Lucy now, most of them knew that the potions master and her where family. Snape pulled open the carriage door and let Lucy in, but before they could go an announcement boomed through the station

"All students may I have your full attention. Due to the snow the Hogwarts train will leave ten minuets later than usual"

The whole place groaned including Snape. He boarded the carriage and found carriage number six. They where covered with snow and when they got in Snape casted a spell to turn the heat up while Lucy took her coat off and shook it. The snow scattered off and Snape sat down

"Aren’t you going to take our coat off?"

"Personally, I need all the warmth I can get" Snape shivered. Lucy then noticed the quality of the coat, couldn’t Snape afford a better one? He looked bothered and cold, two things that didn’t seem to go well

"Are you alright dad?"

"Not feeling well" he told her. This of course, wasn’t the full truth. Snape couldn’t settle though, he kept looking out the window and out in the corridor, as if looking for someone. A couple of sneezes later he stood up

"I’m going outside" he said briefly and walked out. Lucy followed him quietly and watched as Snape stood outside in the snow, footprints crunching. For anyone that’s wondering about Snape’s mad moment its because of dementors. Snape had officially had a full-blooded hate for the creatures. Anybody that tried to hurt Lucy would go straight to his hell books. Snape was feeling paranoid after the dementor attack, Dumbledore had talked about having dementors guard in the corridors on the hour. Snape had showed his anger at the idea but was told that they’d never be seen. He had only been told yesterday by Dumbledore that the dementors had begun to search the castle. He’d had dreams, well nightmares, that the dementor unlocked the house door and krept up to their bedrooms and... well

Snape shuffled his feet on the snow and it crunched loudly. He crossed is arms to keep warmth as the snow got thicker. Damn! He thought, why can’t the train just go? For once in his life he wanted to get away from Hogwarts, away from the guards the where supposed to be guarding them, not trying to kill everybody and suck their souls... he shivered at the thought.

There was so much running through the mans brain. He was juggling the attack with Lucy as well as his feelings for Jessica stone. He knew he liked her, but how was he going to admit it? Also the problem with Shona. There was something going on apart from her powers. Snape had a feeling that the powers was just one of the problems she was having.

"Severus!," Jessica gasped and ran over to him "why aren’t you in the carriage? It’s freezing out here!"

Snape shrugged and Jessica had a pitiful look on her face "the train going to leave soon, i’m promised, besides, your going very pale..."

"She’s a vampire!" Shona shouted out of one of the windows. She ran away as Snape marched after her. Jessica put her arm around his and stopped him

"Don’t Severus, McGuire’s not worth it" she spat

"You don’t like her?"

Jessica murmured something offensive before pulling out a small box

"Here," she said "little present for helping me this term" she placed it into Snape’s hands. "it’s not a bomb" she joked. Snape found himself laughing. The student’s ran away into the carriages as the steam train rolled out smoke.

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