Scar face?

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Chapter thirty nine: Scar face?

"Hey! Have you seen Lucy Snape's face?" 

"Yeah! Look at that scar!" 

"I wonder how she got that?" 

Those whispers followed Lucy all the way to the great hall, she was walking alongside Shona yet the two girls paid no attention whatsoever. 

"It's just a scar..." Shona muttered 

"I know, they're being pathetic it's not as though I'm the new Harry Potter or something!" Lucy shook her head 

"I don't think Snivy would be too happy if his kid was Harry Potter!" 

"Shona! Honestly! I'm a girl!" 

The two girls entered the great hall and sat down next to Fred and George. They grabbed some toast and ate in silence. 

"Why weren't you in the common room last night?" Fred asked Lucy

"I think she has a little bit of an excuse, Fred" George said pointing at Lucy's cheek. Lucy blushed and covered it with her hair 

"How did you get that?!" Fred gasped 

"Er, long story. Lets just say it's my mark of bravery" 

Lucy shoved her plate to the side and ignored the looks she got from several people, she really hated being center of attention and wished the people would stop staring. Besides, it's rude to stare. 

"What's wrong with your face, Snape!!!" Malfoy laughed the whole Slytherin table erupted with laughter 

"What are you looking at! Are you jealous of Lucy's scar?! Well if you are I'll give you one myself!" Shona yelled 

"Shona!" Lucy hissed, "don't!" 

"She's got a scar Malfoy but even with it she's still one hundred times prettier than you!" Fred had stood up and was glaring at Malfoy, "so keep your mouth shut!" 

"Not so friendly!" 

"Your right! We're not and one more word about Lucy and I'll give you a piece of my mind!" Shona spat 

"I don't know why you are all getting so defensive I only asked a question! What's wrong with her face?" Malfoy sneered 

"I've got a scar" Lucy said nervously

"How did you get it?" Draco raised an eyebrow 

"Er, I scratched myself?" She whispered 

"Nonsense! No one could do that to themselves! What's the real reason!" 

"A werewolf scratched me" 

"I'm not surprised! I heard there were some roaming the castle! You're pathetic for going to the grounds at night!" 

"Yeah..." Lucy shoved her plate to the side, she really didn't feel like eating now but then she looked up at Malfoy, "sure maybe I do have a scar, you don't have to stare it at like an idiot" 

"I think someone fancies Lucy!" George laughed 

Malfoy nearly vomited and ran off to the Slytherin table. Lucy sniggered and waited for the rest of her friends to finish their breakfast. 

When they left the great hall Shona pulled Lucy over. Shona looked quite serious and slightly worried. 

"Yes, Shona?" 

"I need to give you the orb, it's driving me insane!" 


"It's making me read minds better and I don't like it!" 

Lucy Snape and the Hooded Assassins (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now