Are things making sense?

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Chapter thirty six: Are things making sense? 

Lucy skipped down the Hogwarts hallways without a care in the world, she was going to head back to the common room to find Fred. She had promised him that she would be there. But she simply had to see her father first. 

She was just passing Professor McGonagall's office when Shona came pelting towards her, so fast that Lucy was knocked off of her feet. 

"What was that for?" Lucy asked rubbing the back of her head 

"I'll explain on the way!" Shona said helping her friend up and running off again, Lucy ran alongside her. 

"Where are we going?" 

"Your dad's office! He's injured and I don't know why! I don't know any remedies to heal but I know you do so I had to find you!" Shona panted clutching a stitch in her chest 

"How is he injured?" 

"He's shaking all over, coughing and paler than usual. That doesn't seem normal to me" 

"OK" Lucy breathed as they made it to Snape's office 

Lucy ran into the office and Shona followed. Lucy bent down next to Snape and put a hand on his cheek, he was cold all over and he looked different to her. 

"Was he with anyone?" Lucy asked looking up from her father 

"Yeah, Jessica ran out of the office carrying something. I was going to follow her but I thought there was something fishy going on so I had to see if Snivels was alright" 

"Jessica!" Lucy said, "it has something to do with her! i always knew she was evil! Ever since I saw her on our first day of third year" 

"But what could Jessica of done? It's not as though she has supernatural powers!" Shona rasped 

"No...You're right, I was being silly..." Lucy whispered, she got up and then looked at Snape's wine glass. She took two fingers and dipped them inside the glass then put them on her tongue

"Hey! You're under age!" Shona whined, "well if you're having some I want some too" 

"NO!" Lucy yelled, "don't drink any of it!, It's vertiserum in it no doubt Jessica put it in there..." Lucy placed her two fingers on her tongue again and thought about why Jessica would put it in the glass, obviously to find out something but then something else clicked. "Jessica put love potion in dad's glass on the train" 

"No way!" Shona gasped, "ingenious! Why didn't I think of doing that!" 

"SHONA!" Lucy snapped, "this is serious, Jessica is up to something and whatever it is, it isn't good" 

Shona nodded then knelt down by Snape again, she looked at his neck and saw teeth marks. She frowned then looked up at Lucy. 

"Lucky, have you seen these teeth marks?" 

"Teeth marks?" 

Lucy knelt down the other side of Snape and saw two little rows of teeth marks. She ran her finger over them and narrowed her eyes. 

"OK, when I went down to Hogsmeade dad didn't have any teeth marks on his neck. And you're telling me that the last person in here was Jessica so that concludes that - " Lucy began 

"Jessica bit him" 

"That's mad! But seems the only option we have and just to make sure this isn't bad..." Lucy moved round to the side where Shona was knelt (where the teeth marks were) and studied them for a moment 

"What are you going to do?" 

But Shona's question was answered when Lucy leant over her dad's body, she lowered herself down then did something which made Shona want to throw up. Lucy was trying to suck any poison out of her fathers neck, when she was done she stood up and coughed. She spat in a bowl and continued to cough and that's when Snape's eyes opened. 

Lucy Snape and the Hooded Assassins (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now