The date

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Chapter 7: The date

Snape walked to the Gryffindor common room in secrecy that day. He left the vast crowds to scramble for the best seats before leaving his dungeons. The match wouldn't start for another twenty minutes but it would take that and longer just to get a seat.

Snape ran down the corridor when no one was looking, he eventually got to the picture where the fat lady was.


"No i'm waiting for someone" Snape replied


"None of your business" he spat back

"Fine Professor. I'm still upset about the way you talked to me in front of those children, and have you punished those idiotic children standing at the front?"

"No" he replied in disgust "you deserved that you..."

"Severus, sorry i'm late!" Said a voice as the portrait swung open. Jessica Stone was in her robes and had a comfortable looking coat on. Compared to Snape's woollen one, she looked better dressed. Snape's woollen coat was going a little grey round the sides and looked worn and tatted. Jessica noticed some of the thread coming out of one of the sleeves but held the thought, knowing Snape would be easily embarrassed.

"So where do we go?" Jessica asked him politely

"Follow me" Snape kindly said and they walked off together.

"Well that's a bit odd..." The fat lady muttered to herself as she closed her frame against the dusty bricks.


They reached the quidditch pitch minutes before the game started. They heard the roars deep from inside the castle as it reached abnormal level as they got nearer. The Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's could be seen with their fantastic golden yellow and vibrant red rolling through the stands. It was like looking at the rolling sea, twisting and turning with the vibrant tradition of quidditch. Jessica was about to enter the student stands where everybody would usually sit,  but Snape pulled her over.

"Teachers go up those stairs." He pointed to one of the massive stands and Jessica gulped. It toward like the three other towers, looking proud as the gold and red flags covered it. Eager fans would always try to get their banners higher than the rest, so the team could see them better.

"Am I allowed to go up their Severus? I don't want to get you in trouble..."

"Nonsense" Snape said reassuringly "you'll be allowed in, they'll probably be a couple of students that have been invited"

"It looks very grand" Jessica said, following Snape up the tower steps. The noise seemed half drowned out even though it was just a plank of wood between them.

"Oh yes the view is brilliant. Have you ever watched quidditch before?"

"Oh yes. I watched it at university a couple of times and it was amazing, and that was from the normal seats. I've only seen quidditch here one time at training and it was impressive. The seats are a bit wooden though"

They turned as they went up more steps, finally the light of the open tower could be seen above.

"Well I think you will enjoy this" Snape said intensely as they ascended to the top. Jessica gasped as she witnessed the most fantastic view she had ever seen. She could see all the quidditch pitch, the rain began to fall on to the spectators around the quidditch field.

Snape took her down some steps to the second row and sat in two empty seats. Lupin entered through and used the steps at the back of the tower. He saw two spaces and made his own way down another pair of steps to them 'bit rickety' he thought as the wood creaked under his weight.

Lucy Snape and the Hooded Assassins (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now