Chapter 5: Welcome to Olympus

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We step through the slender elevator doors as they slide open and I press the button for the ground floor. The door silently glides shut and we begin our descent. The small box is a hush for a moment before the silence is broken with Avi's voice, " I'm happy you decided to join me today. I can't wait for you to meet the guys."

I smile, thinking about how I ended up in this situation. What are the odds? Pretty good apparently. "Of course I wanted to come, you're only my favorite person in the world! It's an honor just being in your presence," I say looking away.

"An honor? Nah, I'm just a guy Josh, not royalty," he says with a chuckle, " just think of me and any other guy you would hang out with."

"Are you kidding? You're more than "just a guy". You're Avi Kaplan!"

"I know that haha, Avi Justaguy Kaplan. " he jokes.

"No seriously. You're like a god! I imagine you as Zeus, with thundering voice. Mitch would be Aphrodite, obviously, because he is the manifestation of beauty. Scott would be Apollo, tall, blonde, athletic, and totally dreamy! Kev-" I ramble.

"I'm starting to think you love my bandmates more than me!" Avi says jokingly.

"I'm serious! Just think about it. Where was I? Oh! Kevin would be Poseidon, he is sooooo chill, at least that's what I get from his Vlogs. And Kirstie.. She would be-" the elevator dings, we have reached the ground floor. The door glides open again and Avi's arm falls from around me to at his sides. Avi moves out of the elevator first, I quickly follow behind him before I'm attacked by the door again. As I catch up to Avi, I can see on the far side of the lobby stands a group of 4 people waiting for hi- I mean, waiting for us I guess.

This was the moment I met the rest of my favorite people in the world! It's almost overwhelming, but I need to act like I'm whelmed. Is that a word? It doesn't matter now. Game face: On.

Avi begins speaking first, "Morning guys, hope you slept well. I know I did haha. "

Kevin looks at me and smiles and I immediately look away. Oh god, he knows!

Mitch stands up and engulfs Avi in as big a hug as his little body can offer, "Morning sleepyhead, who's your friend? Don't tell me you took him to bed before me!" Mitch says taking fake offense. I stay silent, so much for game face. Luckily, Avi swoops in for the rescue.

"This is my, uh, friend, Josh. I met him a couple tours ago. " Avi explains, being as nonchalant as he possible can be. Wait. Friend? He lied?

Scott then stands up and looks me up and down, "You've never mentioned a Josh before, have you? I feel like I would have remembered that."

Panic is setting in. Scott sees through the lie! Crashing and burning!

"I remember him, he was our friend since we were on sing off, don't you guys remember?" Kevin chimes in, saving from being in the spotlight.

Kirstie jumps up from her seat and walks over to me and extends her hand, "Well I don't remember you, so consider this a hello. It's nice to meet you Josh, I'm Kirstie"

"I know," is all I managed to say. "I mean, it's nice to meet you too! It's nice to meet you all." Thank you brain for once again shutting down at a crucial moment.

"Well now that that's over, I guess we can all head out then?" Avi asks.

"Yes, let's go! We have been waiting for you after all," Scott says to Avi.

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