Chapter 6.5

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I pull into the parking structure of my apartment in the space labeled 216. The neighbors were out on vacation so I don't think they'll mind me taking their spot for tonight and quite frankly I don't care. It's been a long two days and I just want to get home and sleep. With wobbly legs and heavy eyes, I make my way to the elevator. I push the "up" arrow and wait patiently for the cart to arrive. When it does I ride up to the second floor and drag myself into my apartment. As I pass the threshold I find my roommate, Emmet, sitting at his desk typing away.

When Emmet notices me, he stops typing and yanks his earbuds out. "Josh! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in 2 full days and you haven't answered any of my texts, I was almost going to file a missing persons report," he says sounding identical to my mother.

I drop my bag at the front door and I let myself collapse onto the couch. "I just want to sleep, can we talk later?" I mumble into the couch cushion. I can feel Emmet's heat vision burning a whole in the side of my head, so I turn to him. "Do you really want to," I say, "It's a long story."  Emmet stands up and walks into the kitchen, starts a fresh pot of coffee, and says, "I've got all night." I look at him with confusion, "Wait, you hate coffee?" Emmet laughs as he pours and prepares the steaming drink, "I'm on my happy pills, I'll be fine. The coffee is for you.

"Ugh, but I have school in the morning AND class in the afternoon. Rain check?" I ask optimistically. Emmet gives me a stare and I know there's no way I'm getting out of this. He hands me my mug and sits opposite of me in the couch. I turn towards him and cross my legs, "Well.. It all started on Hook'd.."


Emmet sits across from me, mouth gaping in astonishment. It was awkwardly silent for a few moments before he spoke again, "This is a joke right?" I roll my eyes, this is probably the 7th time he's asked me this, "No Emmet, it's honestly too late at night/ early in the morning for jokes," I say, beginning to get irritated. Emmet then smiles at me, white teeth sparking, "So you have a celebrity boyfriend! That's amazing!" I shake my head, "not boyfriend. I don't know what we are or if he'll even talk to me again. Not to mention Kirstie." Emmet shrugs his shoulders, "Minor details, do you know this sounds like it's straight out of a cliche movie?" I laugh to myself, I have said that way too many time in the last couple days. "Yeah I know," I say, "anyway, I really like Avi. I mean, you already knew that but it feels real now. I actually got to connect with him in real life and not just in my fan fictions. (Tips fedora) I even got a chance to connect with the others too, aside from Kirstie. And look, Mitch gave me this sweater! Scott shared his muffin with me. And Kevin covered for me originally. I feel like I made these really meaningful relationships that I won't get to enjoy anymore. Like it was a dream."

Emmet looks at me for a second then stands up. He walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry. If Avi and the others enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed them, then they'll seek you out. So just sit tight, you should stress over that test you have in a few hours," he says with a smile. I can't help but smile back. But then reality sinks in, "My WHAT tomorrow!?" I look over at the calendar on the front wall and see tomorrow/today's date circled and surrounded with stars. I start to panic, "Why did you keep me up if you knew I had that test?" I exclaimed. Emmet simply smiled at me, "Answer your text next time." He thin walks into his room and closes the door. I silently curse him for his evil ways and run to my room to salvage as much sleep as I can get. If I'm lucky, I can get almost 4 hours. I lay my head on my pillow and slide quickly into sleep.


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