Chapter 9: Happiest Day

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My eyes pop open only moments before my alarm goes off, when it does I am serenaded with Katy Perry's Birthday. I dance to my self in my bed giddilly, I'm finally 21! What felt like forever to come suddenly was here, it's almost unbelievable. I hop out of bed and into the shower, I'm ready to take on this work day. Its time to adult!

On my way to the bathroom I check my phone for my numerous "happy birthday" messages and posts. I have such loving friends. I like and reply to them all because I truly do appreciate the gesture. I sit my phone on the counter and jam to some music as I let the nearly scolding water burn me awake, not that I really needed it, I was ecstatic! I quickly slap on my work uniform and grab my keys. My shift starts in 15 minutes, exactly the amount of time it takes to get to work. Lets wreck it


When I said wreck it I did NOT mean litterally. Everything that could have went wrong, did. There was an accident on the streets so I arrived to work late, I got 4 different orders wrong (although I think the customers just didn't ask for the right things and decided to blame me), and my Sandra, my everklutzy coworker, spilled an entire container of strawberry juice on the floor and I slipped on it. It didn't hurt much but now my uniform was a mess! I'm glad I escaped with only minor battle scars. Today has been absolutely trying and I'm just ready to get it back on track.

I have a very simple plan for my 21st birthday. Slumber party! It's going to be a blast, several of my college friends are coming, including Emmet (obviously) and Miranda. We are going to just act like kids for one last time, build forts with covers, watch Disney movies, pull an all nighter. Its like our farewell to childhood, seeing as I'm the youngest of all my friends my birthday is the perfect day to celebrate. Truthfully its a little sad to think that I'm really an adult that has to pay bills, work, go to school, schedule my own doctor's appointments. It'll be nice to just be carefree one last time. Oh and drunk, let's not forget drunk! It is my 21st birthday after all.

I get home at 3:30pm and sprawl out onto the coach. Ugh, life. But there is no time for sitting, I have to prepare! I look at my phone and see a message from a contact without a name, just a ton of emojis... OHMIGOSH IT'S AVI.

Calm down, it's just a text. I open the message and it reads "Happy birthday Josh! It's good that you're not a baby anymore. Maybe now we can play together as big kids haha."

I giggle uncontrollably for a moment then compose myself, what am I? 5? That man can turn me into a child with just a text. Ridiculous the power he has over me.

"I'll be doing a lot of playing tonight at my birthday slumber party. Lion king is on the playlist"

He responds in only moments, "*gasp* No invite? Shows how much you care for me. I like sleep overs too *insert rolling eyes emoji*"

"The invitation was always there, you knew it was my birthday this weekend. Lol but you're a busy man. Hard to catch you not working.."

Now I've gone and made myself sad. Ever since Avi told me how he feels last week I can't stop thinking about him. Not that I could before but now there isn't anything that doesn't remind me of him. I'm starting to think that our fern has a likeness to him now. I'm getting off topic, I just hate that I can't spend time with the guy I like. I finally have some idea that he reciprocated my feelings and I don't get to see him at all? What kind of cruel fate is that?

I toss my phone aside and start preparing for the sleep over: cooking dinner, getting out the spare blankets and pillows for our guests, setting up the fort, getting out Disney lineup ready. I line the fort with all the plushes and bears I've colloected over the years, so everyone (including my fellow forever aloners) could have someone to cuddle.

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