Chapter 3: Morning After

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I walk down an empty street, wondering aimlessly trying to find.. Something. I turn down a deserted alleyway and i see a figure standing at the end. I found you! i run towards the tall, dark shape wearing the burgundy beanie with open arms. B-but the faster i run, the further i get from.. Him. I am now in a full sprint and i cant reach my beloved, why is this happening? I then, both suddenly and slowly, see the shape turn towards me. But he wasn't a he at all anymore! He was now a she, with short blonde hair and black raccoon style mascara. She was distorted and surrounded by fire and rain! This was getting too real. As she walked towards me, every step ablaze, i began to retreat but that was probably a bad idea. The fast i ran now, the smaller the gap between me and the devil woman, i started to feel the fire burning my skin! My eyes were burning! like actual fire. I was squeezing them so tightly i was afraid i might pop a blood vessel. Then i realized i could just


I lift my head from the fluffy white pillow and i discover the burning feeling was just the sun peeking through the hotel curtains.. Hotel!? I jump up and look around the room with caution. How did i get here? I was at the concert last night, it was freezing cold, i went to go hook up with a guy.. Oh! I'm in the guy's hotel room. But where was he? And why I feeling so missing this morning? Usually I don't feel like this unless i have an anxiety attack and pass..

No. No no no i did not pass out on my hook up. Oh man, how embarrassing! *mentally face-palming myself* Ill have to actually face-palm myself later for this. I wonder why i would have passed out though, that's a bit weird. I decided to explore the room and hopefully find the guy i was suppose to sleep with. After a quick survey of the area, a rather nice area if i do say so myself, i find the the stranger is no where to be found. Well that's great. I scared him away! Slow clap for you, Josh. Great job. I find my clothes neatly folded in a stack on the dresser near the TV and i slip them on. Guess i should just count this as a loss in the book of boys. I walk towards the door and open it, looking back into the room one last time. Damn, that bed was comfortable.

Without looking, i step out the door and immediately hit a solid object. i should really start looking where I'm going, ill put a pin in it. When i turn to see what, or rather who, i was hit with astonishment. similar to how i imagine a bus to feel, hmm deja vu? Standing in front of me was Avi Kaplan! Who is Avi Kaplan? just the Bassist in Pentatonix and the man of my dreams! Although, when i imagined meeting him he was covered in less coffee..

"Oh my God," is all i manage to find in my currently swimming head.

"Hey, i brought you breakfast. I hope you like Belgian Waffles," Avi said so calmly. Hey, I love Belgian waffles! Wait a minute, he brought ME Belgian waffles? My breathing starts to get quick and short again

"You're not going to pass out again are you? Because if so, we can just go inside." Avi says, his voice filled with concern. He is exactly like i imaged him! his voice sweet, his smile soft, he even is worried whether i will KO again! Wait, how would he even know about that?

"Again?" I muster. I swear, when i'm nervous i get the vocabulary of a 3 year old.

"Yeah, when you got to the room last night you were fine. But as soon as we were about to get it on (he sang) you blacked out. I was worried so i put you under the covers and let you rest. I also went to go get coffee but that quickly ended up all over my chest," he laughed.

I stand there, possessing what i was just told but my brain is giving me the 404 error my computer always gives me. Lets recap. I came to the hotel, yes. To hook up with a guy, got that. Avi Kaplan was the guy!? Was the room spinning. Yes I definitely feel spinning.
"Come on, let's go inside before you end up laid out in the hallway," he says with an extended hand towards me. Using what was left of my brain that wasn't completely dead right now, I turn and walk back into the room with Avi following close behind. I hear the door click shut once more and suddenly we were alone in the room again.

Oh man, I'm alone in a room with Avi Kaplan and we have waffles! This is like straight out of my dream journal I swear. I take a few moments to compose myself before finally regaining the ability to speak
"Can you please tell me what's going on?"

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," he says as he lifts his coffee soaked shirt over his head and off his beautiful body. He places the shirt on the nightstand and proceeds to attack the waffles, "would you like some?"
"This! What's going on with this? You're shirtless and offering me waffles, not that I'm complaining, but I came here to hook up with a guy, who is starting to seem a whole lot like you,"
I ramble quickly. Calm yourself man! You're an adult. "And from what I know, you're straight, so that can't be right can it?"

Avi sits nibbling on a piece of waffle for a few moments before he starts to speak again, "Yes I am. I mean, I like you but, I don't know. I've only been with one guy before and that was a really long time ago.." Avi explains almost sadly.

"So who was the guy then? If you don't mind me asking that is," I ask full of curiosity.

"Kevin," he states simply.

"No way, you guys were a thing? But I thought you guys were best friends, you guys always act a little touchy feely but I assumed that's because you guys are so close."

"We are close. He was my first. First guy at least," Avi's face growing more sad as the story continues.
"It's a really long story. I liked him and he was curious so we just, you know, did it. And it was absolutely amazing "
Masking my jealousy of Kevin, I continue, "If it was so amazing then why do you look so unhappy about it?"
"Because.. He didn't think it was as great as I did. He wanted to forget the whole thing happened and I wanted more from it. We came close to almost not being friends anymore. So, I dropped the whole thing and settled with his friendship. Which isn't a bad thing, I love Kevin. I just wish I could have gotten the same kind of love out of it." I can now see tear forming in his eyes. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, holding him, letting him know that I cared.

Avi, with his face buried in my chest, continued, "he was the only guy I have ever been really attracted to. Well, that was until I saw you last night. "
"You mean when you saw my "Hook'd" profile," I say with a bit of sarcasm.
He then look at me with his piercing green eyes filled with seriousness and said, "No. I say you while I was performing."

THANK YOU for taking the time to read my story. I am really trying to update as much as possible but I'll be making the chapters longer so they'll take a little longer to be posted. But this story is going to become full of drama and it's going to happen quickly, so be sure to check up on a few days when Chapter 4 : In the Crowd comes out! Love you guys, bye!

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