Chapter 11: Party At a Rich Dude's House

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It has been exactly 27 days since the happiest day of my life and I still haven't came down from my high. I'm finding it hard to completely fathom that I, Joshua Bennet, am Avi Kaplan's "Super Secret Ninja Barista Boyfriend". A silly title, yes, but I am his boyfriend nonetheless.

Granted there's still the whole "Kirstie is still in the picture" thing but that's only a technicality. Avi's heart is with me, and that's all that matters.

I've been desperately trying to see him again after my birthday. Once he gave me his "present" I fell asleep in his arms (his big, comforting arms). At some point in time, he woke up and managed to make a full breakfast for the both of us before I even woke up, that is until I smelled bacon and o was magically snapped into complete awareness.

We enjoyed our meal together before he got a call for Kevin and had to leave all too soon. I watched him go, step by step, out of my apartment and to the elevator. And right as the door slid shut, he blew a single kiss. And I caught it, held it, melted. The feeling of wanting and being wanted. Knowing that I won't just be missing him, he too will be missing me. And we both will be eagerly awaiting our next rendez-vous. Oh god, I'm in love. But since it's Avi, I'm not so scared to be.

I want to see him so unexplainably badly, but our schedules have been clashing nearly the entire month. When he was free the next weekend, I had to work a double shift because my co-worker, Yvette, called out sick. I then saw her posting on Instagram not 1 hour later going out with her "girls".

The following weekend was good for me but Avi was doing a surprise concert for a little boy with some terminal illness and wanted to see Pentatonix perform. I saw the video of it later that evening and nearly cried when Avi sang to him. It was astounding.

And the last week wasn't good for either of us with me being slammed with essays and reports up the wahzoo and Avi and the others preparing for their new album release. He told me that it was almost completely original songs so I'm stoked to hear it, he's been keeping it from me every time I asked for a preview.

The last couple of weeks have gone by so fast, I barely realized that it's going to be Halloween tomorrow. How time flies, huh? I don't have any plans this year, you know because I don't have any friends, so I think I might just hand out candy to the kids in the apartment complex and binge watch the latest season of The Walking Dead. That's how you properly spend Halloween.

I'm driving home from the local grocery store with a ton of overpriced candy and some snacks for Emmet and I to eat while we watch TWD. My phone chimes and i swipe the notification when I pull up to a red light. It's from Emmet.

"Did you order something from online?" The message reads.

"No. Yes. Maybe. I can't remember, why?" I respond , the message being read instantly.

"Well there's a medium sized package here for you and it say it's from-" I mentally read before I hear a horn blare at me because the light has now turned green. I jump at the loud noise and drop my phone between the seats. I silently curse to myself before putting up my "not so nice" finger out the window at the car behind me before pulling off. I guess the message will have to wait until I get home.

I hear another chime from my phone and instinctively reach for my cup holder where I usually keep my phone and curse again when I remember that it fell. I would be popular when my phone is out of reach!

About 5 minutes later I arrive home and pull into my familiar parking spot. Grabbing my phone and sliding it into my pocket, I then grab all the bags of groceries, struggling to do so, and make my way towards the elevator. Two trips are for wimps.

As I reach the elevator, I manage to push the button to my floor and wait patiently for the cart to arrive when I get a phone call. Can I even answer the phone right now?

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