Chapter 1

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  ↺ EDITED  in 2020

  ● Justin on the gif! ● 

Justin Bieber's P.O.V

Me, my mom and my sister Jennifer were sitting on the floor singing Happy Birthday  to my sister. It was her 16th birthday today and I was nervous. Me and my family haven't got enough money to do or buy whatever we want to. We just buy the essential. Food, water and some clothes when our clothes are too wasted and start to get ripped. My dad left us when my mom was pregnant with Jennifer. He never cared about me or my mom, he was always on drugs and getting drunk on clubs. We're better without him. But the thing is: We don't have money. My mom has struggles on paying rent and gas. It's been a long time since I don't have a good meal. My mom doesn't cook. We eat what we buy on supermarket so that means we buy already cooked meals, which are cheaper. We don't eat all those things that rich people eat everyday.

I always wanted to work so I could help my mom paying the bills and rent but she always refused to let me work. She said I am too young for it! But I think not. Jennifer was the only one in school. My mom couldn't afford my college so I had to give up. But me and my mom wanted to keep Jennifer in school because we always say that she needs to be sucessful. At least she's the only one in our little family. I knew the basic, not those complicated stuff people learn in school.

About me, I'm 19 years old and I'm gay. I haven't got a boyfriend and I'm still a virgin. That makes me feel embarrassed because all of the people of my age have lose their virginity and I'm here waiting for the right one to do it. Well, not too much people know about my sexual option, just Jennifer and my mom.

The only person working on our family was my mom. But the money just wasn't enough. She cleans a hospital in our town, like everyday. And do you know how much she receives a month? Just 200 dollars. Ridiculous. But this is just the world and the society we live in. My mom tried to find another job that would pay her more money, but people these days are so selfish that they don't employ her in every job she applies. And the landlord of our house was the worst... He asked us for 500 dollars per month to stay in that house.

A little, wasted, tiny, uncomfortable and cold house.

But in fact, he was rude since ever and he didn't care about anyone at all. I've heard rumours that he's in kind of a negotiation... With girls, money and men that supposedly buy them by a lot of money and then they ask the girls sexual favors. At least, that's what I heard in our little neighbourhood. Is that even legal?! Damn, these people are really getting crazy these days.

But, even though we're poor I'm very happy and blessed for having a family with me. My mom and my sister. Just me and them.

My mom got up and gave Jennifer a white bag. She opened it and she saw a pair of white adidas. The white and black adidas Superstar, to be exact. I smiled at the sight, she was smiling. "Mom! I'm sure this was too expensive. You didn't need to buy me these. I feel so bad right now, it wasn't necessary mom..." Jennifer mumbled, but her smile just couldn't leave her face.

Actually, she was lying. She needed them. Her shoes were starting to get too wasted and ripped. She barely couldn't walk on them and her feet were always cold. I got up and grabbed the little cake I baked for Jennifer. It wasn't a huge cake, because we couldn't buy all the stuff to bake it. "I made you this. I'm sorry it isn't a really big cake like all those birthday parties have, but it's everything that I could make for you." I smiled and she hugged me, I could see and feel her hapiness. I was happy to see her like this.

"What counts is the intention!" Jennifer told me, making a huge smile appear on my pink lips. "I love your cooking, Justin" She smiled softly. 

I grabbed a knife and cut three slices of the cake, giving one to Jennifer, one to my mom and I started eating the other one. I'm actually a good cook! This tastes really good...

"I didn't know you cook so well!" My mom spoke, and I let out a little giggle. "Well, there's a bunch of things you don't know about me..." I winked but then started laughing.

After we ate almost all of the cake, I kept the rest of the cake on the fridge, so it didn't get rotten. I helped my mom clean the small kitchen and then I went to my room, stepping on the creaking floor.

I closed the door and sat on my small bed. Well, everything in our house was small, honestly.

My room too. It was painted in baby blue walls, but the paint was starting to peel off. I had a closet, a little one. About my clothes, I only had three pairs of sneakers. I had one pair of adidas, one pair of vans and one pair of Supra. I loved the Supra ones! They were purple, a dark shade of purple and I loved them. And yes, you're probably thinking: I can't afford them. And I can't. My aunt gave them to me on my 15th birthday and surprisingly, they still fit. 

Dreaming about getting a better life, I laid on my bed.

5 hours later

"Where the fuck is my money, huh?" I heard a deep voice and the door slamming downstairs, making me get out of my sleep.

"I still don't have it.. But please!" My mom pleaded. No, not this again. Not this again. "Just give me one more week.. I promise I'll give it to you" My mom's voice trembled.

"Last week, you said last week! Last month, you said last week!" Richard, our landlord, shouted at my mom. I knew she was scared, and I had to do something.

I ran downstairs and stood in front of my mom, trying to protect her from that monster that's been making our lives an actual hell.

"Leave us alone! Just go away! Please!" I shouted as my eyes were filled with tears.

My body was filled with disgust when I saw the smirk on his face and I felt nauseous. That man was, without no serious doubts, the nastiest man that I've ever known.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. How could I forget that you have a son, Esther? This is really bad of me. What's your name, gorgeous? I guess I can say that I forgot your name." Richard mumbled under his breath that smelled like alcohol and cigarrettes mixed together.

"Justin please go back to your room now. I can figure this out, go upstairs now." My mom whispered but I didn't obey. I had to protect her, I had to make him go away. He's awful.

"Oh, it's Justin? What a beautiful name do you have..." He said trying to flirt with me, but that was only contributing for me to feel even more nauseous.

"Please just go away." I silently cried. I was desesperated, I needed him to go away the fastest possible. I raised my hand at him trying to gain some strength to slap the fuck out of him, but he immediately grabbed it.

"Are you fucking trying to hit me?" He yelled at me making me walk away from him, my mother afraid of what she was seeing in front of her eyes. "Esther, let's make a deal. I take your son with me to get him a job, and nothing happens to you and your daughter Jennifer. You'll stop paying the rent as well and I'll get you another job if you accept." He mumbled.

What? This could be amazing to my mom and my sister. Having a new life. Starting fresh.

"No! There's no way i'll let you do that! Take everything I have, but don't take my children" My mom cried, and the sight was heartbreaking.

"I want to go." I took the first step, walking towards Richard and standing in front of him. I gave my mom a comforting look trying to tell her that everything was going to be okay.

A smirk grow into Richard's face and I knew this wasn't something good. But I have to do it. For myself, for my family.

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Hello hello lovelies! Finally the story is going just how I like... I hope you guys like it too! All of the chapters will be much longer and detailed. 

I love you all! ♡ 

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