Chapter 4

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Justin Bieber's P.O.V

Jason left me stuck inside of his house, not letting me get out of my room. Probably because I thinks I will run away. Even though he wasn't home, he said I couldn't leave my room and I was completely planning on following that order, but I heard my stomach growl and I wanted to eat something. After I ate two beautiful and good looking donuts that were laying on the table, I went to sleep.

Two hours after I fell asleep, I felt something on me, rubbing my sleepy eyes with my hands. My eyes widened as I watched Jason completely drunk trying to take a peek at my almost naked body covered by the bed sheets.

I gently tried to pull him off of me, but he won't do it. "Jason, you're drunk, stop" I tried to make him go away but he just didn't want to listen. My hands were on his chest pushing him away from me or at least trying to do it, as he smiled while his lips tried to find my neck.

I was shocked when I felt his lips rub on my neck and kiss the skin of it, this was so wrong but at the same time I just wanted him to keep going. I would be a bad person and I would feel bad if I just let him keep going, he's drunk.

"Justin! You're so beautiful" He shouted, laughing at the end. "Please Justin just let me kiss you, kiss me" He mumbled, trying to reach my pink lips.

All I did was get out of the bed and he stood laid there, looking at me with puppy eyes and I have to admit, he looked somewhat adorable.

"Justin! Why are you leaving me? Don't go please don't leave me" He faked his cry, closing his eyes. He grabbed my leg, don't forget that I was in boxers. Just that.

"I'm not leaving you, stop being silly, get up and come with me" I demanded, he got up but he fell to the floor, I held my laughter in and tried to making him get up. When he finally did it, I helped him and we both made our way to the bathroom.

I turned on the cold water and took off his t-shirt, and also his shoes and his jeans. Once the bathtub was filled with cold water, I throwed him inside of it.

"Oh it's cold!" He screamed, "Aren't you gonna join me Justin?" He asked. He looked like a puppy. 

"No I am not." I responded. "Look baby you forgot to take my boxers!" He laughed and prepared himself to take them off and I just took his hands off of them. "No! You're ok like that." "But I want to take them off Justin! I never saw someone take a bath with his underwear on" He laughed and took them off.

Please don't look. Just look, I promise it's fucking great. I won't look! It's not ok to look at a man's private parts while he's not aware of what's happening. He won't know you looked. Justin just look, it's just a fucking penis.

I cursed mentally when my eyes met his private parts. 

"You looked! I knew you liked it" He laughed and I felt my cheeks getting hotter. Justin why do you have to be so shy?

"D-don't talk or I'll g-go to sleep and I won't s-stay here with you J-Jason" I spoke, so embarrassed of the words that left his mouth. And I can't even believe I stutter when I get embarrassed. Which makes me even more embarrassed. I want to die. Fml. 

After the bath, I got him a new pair of underwear and he dressed them. I took him to his room and he laid on the bed. I sat down in the bed, while he got comfortable under the blankets. I got up, in a hurry to get to my room. "Now sleep, you must be tired" I spoke and immediately Jason's face had such an adorable puppy face. I ignored him but when I was ready to leave the room, I heard his voice.

"Please stay with me" Jason said more like a question. I couldn't deny I would like it, but what if he does something?

Bouncing my head from side to side, I laid down on the bed trying not to get closer to him. The effort to keep my body away from him was nothing, because he immediately pulled me closer to him and my cheeks heated up.

Not again.

He made me lay my head on his chest and I did that, I slowly closed my eyes wanting to fall asleep the fastest possible because I couldn't believe I was laying in a bed in my boxers with a man I just met yesterday.

I couldn't stand the fact that almost all of my body was exposed to him, but he broke my thoughts when he spoke in my ear, so carefully.

"Good night" He whispered in my ear and his voice made me smile a little.

Why is he buying someone that he obviously doesn't knows, when he's so handsome and breathtaking? He could find someone better for free. The price he paid for me was just really high and not worth it. But something seemed to tell me he didn't need that money, because if he did, he wouldn't be buying a random boy.

With my eyes completely closed, I open my mouth to answer him. "Good night" That was all that could leave my mouth once our bodies were so close, I could hear his heartbeat on my ear.

He placed a little kiss on my head, and my lips turned into a little but cute smile, falling asleep with the handsome breathtaking, 23 year old man I had by my side. And I wasn't caring at all.

Next day, 5PM

I groaned when my eyes opened with the sun shining through the windows. Why did I have to wake up? This was feeling so good.

Looking over to my side, I noticed Jason wasn't there. What he thought when he woke up and saw he had his body next to mine? Probably that he made a mistake. 

I rubbed my eyes, sitting down on the bed and admiring the beautiful sight I had from the private beach. I could see it through the window. I put on grey sweatpants and some t-shirt I found, going upstairs to the kitchen and finding Jason. Here it goes!

"Finally the sleeping beauty woke up" He spoke, laughing a little bit when he saw that my cheeks were with a cute shade of pink. I nodded silently, walking over to the table and grabbed one of the chocolate donuts. "It's 5 pm, damn you sleep a lot." He laughed, grabbing my hand. I wasn't answering him, in fact, I wasn't even listening his words.

Suddenly I felt him grip my hand, "Answer me." He demanded. I shivered at his words. Well mannered and quiet, I answered. "Sorry, but I'm not used to sleeping in good b-beds" I said, stuttering sometimes. "I don't like when you stutter. But sometimes that kinda makes you cute, you know?" He said, running his fingertips on my rosy cheeks. "Y-yes Jason" I quietly spoke.

I shivered when his lips touched my jaw, the look he was giving me was somewhat composed by lust. "Go get ready. We're going out tonight, you're having dinner with me, my brother, and supposedly his wife. And there's an outfit waiting for you on your room" Jason spoke angrily, like he was jealous of his brother. I nodded, but when I was about to get to the room, Jason called my name.

"Justin!" He called, making me turn around and look at his figure. "Yes?" I questioned.

"I remember last night." He mumbled, a smirk growing up in his lips.

Oh, shoot. I was hoping he didn't. 

Catching Feelings - Jastin (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now