Chapter 18

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Justin Bieber's P.O.V

(3 weeks later) 

I don't remember the last time I had seen Jason so happy. He's so happy that he finally is going to be a father again and I'm happy for him, too. But there's something that bugs me so much about all this... Lately Jason let me hang out with a girl I met at the supermarket, her name is Callie. (The girl in the image is Callie!) She's so cool! But, moving on, we met because she took the last box of vanilla ice cream... And I ended up getting mad because I wanted that box. But then, we ended up being really good friends. 

Jason went shopping with Charlie, and I was all alone watching tv. That was until the phone started ringing. I smiled when I saw Callie's name on the screen. "Hey!" I spoke. "You should meet with me right now. You'll never guess what happened and what is happening!" Callie said as I rose an eyebrow. 

"Wait, wh-" I tried to speak, but I was immediately interrupted by her. "You need to come, right now! I'm at the park, meet me behind the trees" She said before hanging up, what made me talk to myself. I promised Jason I wouldn't leave the house before he gets here, but I have the feeling that's something important. I got up, grabbed my jacket and left the house. 

Walking the fastest I could, I finally got the park and I spotted Callie, waiting for me behind the trees. "Can you tell me what is goi-" She covered my mouth with her hand. "Shut up and look over there, don't you dare to make a sound" I nodded, still confused with everything that was going on but when I looked, there was Solange and another boy. I mean, they could be friends, why was Callie acting like it was such a big deal? "Callie they could be friends... Don't make that accusation" I said. She shook her head. "Listen to what they're saying" 

I looked at them. 

"Are you telling me that you like Jason instead of liking me? Fuck. I knew this was going to happen on the way!" The man said. "No, you dummy! It's just until the baby is born. He is being such a gentleman and he's also buying all the things for the baby, which is helpful for us and for Charlie too, don't you think?" Solange said. 

Oh no. She is using Jason! I knew something was wrong with all of this. 

The man stroked Solange's cheek, kissing her lips. "When is this going to be over? I want to be with you... And with our children. You know that's wrong to make Charlie believe Jason is his father! That's totally fucked up, Solange" He said, crossing his arms. I gasped. 

What? Charlie isn't Jason's child? What a messed up situation! 

Callie looked at me. I shook my head, "We should tell Jason about this. He can't fall for her tricks anymore, Callie. I knew there was something wrong about her" I whispered. She nodded. "You should do that" I smiled. "Hopefully I will" 

"Matthew I know it's fucked up but please trust me in this! Once we got all the things, once the baby is born we can run away from him and he'll never find us! He hasn't stop buying the baby things since he knew he was having another child" Solange laughed, and so did Matthew. They hugged each other what made me disgusted. 

It made me sad that she was using Jason for this type of things instead of telling him the truth... But if she isn't telling him the truth, I will. Solange is such a mean person for doing this to Jase! 

"But tell me, do you still feel something for Jason? Because I know you dated him in high school and I don't want you to leave me" Matthew said, and he seemed truly in love with her just by the way he looked and talked to her. "Of course I don't." Solange giggled and they both started walking towards the trees, right where we were. 

Callie's eyes widened. "That's our cue!" She whispered and we ran to Callie's car, getting out of there before any of them could see us. 

Once Callie drove me home, I noticed Jason sitting down on the couch and when he saw me he looked like he was mad at me. "Jason! I'm sorry I just had to g-" "Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't leave the house without asking me first?!" He said, looking deep into my eyes and I nodded. "I'm s-sorry" I whispered and he kissed my forehead. "I just don't like when you leave like that. You wonder what could've happen to you, love?" He said and I nodded. "I understand and I'm sorry for l-leaving" 

"Look I n-need to tell you something" I said. What if he isn't going to believe my words? "What's wrong bub? You seem upset" He caressed my cheek, sitting down and pulled me to his lap. 

I breathed. "Charlie's not your child and so isn't the baby that Solange is pregnant with!!!" I said really fast, and he rose an eyebrow. "And also she has a boyfriend, she's just using you!!" I said fast, and he looked at me with a serious expression on his face. "Justin you shouldn't say that. That's a serious accusation" "I'm serious!! Jason the child isn't yours!! I heard her conversation with a man and the-" 

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason suddenly yelled at me making me jump, he got up and pushed me away from him. "Just because now I don't give you that much attention doesn't mean you have to try to take them away from me. So shut the fuck up and I don't want to hear a word about that anymore! And you're not leaving this house to hang out with Callie anymore." He said and I gasped. "B-But Jase you have to b-believe me it's t-true!" He grabbed my wrist, pushing me against the wall. "Don't you dare to make a accusation like that. Get the fuck outta my face!" He yelled as tears filled my eyes and I ran upstairs to my room. 


Let me tell y'all that this story is about to end. More 2 or 3 chapters until it ends. 
I would like to know if you guys want a sequel but I'll ask that when I finish this :-) 
Thank you all for reading but most important, thank you all for being so patient!
I know I haven't been writing that much on this story but finally ideas got to me.

Also, for those who still don't know, I have a new Jastin story! It's called "Omegle" and it's already available. Go check it out!

Thank you,  

Love you all! 

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