Chapter 6

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Justin Bieber's P.O.V

Jason shut the door and walked fast to his room shutting the door as well. He was so mad.

Before walking to my room I went to the kitchen and grabbed a pack of golden oreos and orange juice. I was so hungry. I didn't eat anything at the restaurant. 

After closing all the cabinets I turned the lights off and walked to my room, shutting the door carefully. I sat down on my bed grabbing one oreo and eating it, while drinking my orange juice. Oreos are so good! And I only had them like three times in my whole life.

I could hear Jason in his room and bounced my head.

His brother is really mean to him and I could perfectly notice him hitting on me. And I'm not going to lie and say he wasn't beautiful, because he was. But still, nothing beats Jason's beauty. Oh god, that man is gorgeous. More than gorgeous. Those icy-blue eyes, his smooth skin... but I am still a little bit scared of him because I didn't know what I am here for.

Jason's brother's girlfriend looked like those girls you sometimes see, using tiny skirts and shorts that barely could cover their legs, tiny tops that barely cover their boobs and dresses that you can really see their underwear. I don't like to say bad words but I think that, from what I heard those girls are I think she's called a whore. But still, I think I shouldn't judge her until I really get to know her. Sometimes we judge people and they turn out to be nice. 

I walked over to my bed and undressed, I grabbed one of my pajamas and got dressed. Once I laid on the bed, it was so warm and fuzzy! I love sleeping. Well, who doesn't? And with a bed like this... I could sleep for a week. 

I was concentrating in trying to sleep, because it was 2 am already and Jason kills me if he finds out i'm awake. But, I heard his voice calling my name and my stomach gained a lot of butterflies. I still wonder why this happens when he talks to me.

"Justin!" He called out. I got out of the warm and comfy bed and walked to his room, to find him laying in boxers on his bed, his arms wide open. His blonde hair falling on the side of his face. 

"Can you lay here with me, please baby?" He asked. I nodded shyly and made my way to the other side of his bed, when I was ready to lay down he stopped me from doing it. "Nah-uh. Take those pajamas off, you look so much better with them off" He said. 

I undressed my pajamas, don't wanting him to see my body but unfortunately he had a perfect vision of it. Laying next to him, he hugged my waist and I looked into his icy-blue eyes.

"See? You look much better, and I bet you're feeling much better aren't you, babyboy?" I nodded shyly. "What? Answer me." He demanded. "Y-yes Jason." I answered shyly.

He pulled me closer to him and I hide my face on his chest, he smelled so good. His fingertips were running on my bare back, caressing them carefully.

"Are you still m-mad Jason?" I asked, Jason kissed the top of my head and answered me. "No, baby. I'm not. I wouldn't ask you to lay here with me if I was mad, because I wouldn't want to be mean to you, right?" "I t-think so" Jason placed so many kisses on the top of my head I let out a giggle and then he started tickling me. Oh my god I am so ticklish! This will be the death of me.

"J-Jason s-stop!" I laughed while his hands moved on my body tickling me and all I could do was trying to get him off of me but I couldn't because he was so much stronger than me.

He grabbed my arms so I couldn't run away from him or something like that and he tickled me more and more, I felt like I was about to pee! "J-Jason stop! I don't want to pee on the bed" I giggled.

That's when I noticed he stopped because when I laid my eyes on him, his face was millimeters away from mine and I could feel his breath on my lips. He just stood there looking at me with a serious expression on his face, like he was thinking of something.

He got us closer.. and closer, and even closer until our lips were touching each other's. He smashed our lips together, and our lips moved in sync.

Jason's lips were so smooth and plump, this must be the reason why he has so many girls wanting him.

His hand moved to my thigh caressing it slowly, I placed my hands on Jason's chest caressing it too with my fingertips  so carefully. I was liking our kiss, and I didn't want it to stop...

I was kissing Jason McCann and I was liking it. 

Jason McCann is the first boy i've ever kissed.


I know this is too short! But I had to stop here...

I couldn't let you guys know what's going to happen next *smirks*

Justin is so cute!

And in the gif it's Jason

Well, thanks for reading x

Catching Feelings - Jastin (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now