Chapter 16

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Jason McCann's P.O.V

Solange grabbed my face so hard that I saw myself being obligated to look at her "I'm pregnant again and the child is yours!" She said, grinning like it was the best thing in the world, but, wait. What did she exactly say? I made myself think a little and after a second, I realized she just said that she was pregnant and... it was mine. I looked over to Justin, who had no expression on his face. "What?!" I spat, not believing. It was impossible, we used protection! It was really impossible. "Yes, Jason! I am pregnant again, I can't believe we're going to be a happy family" She said. She looked so happy that I didn't know if I was able to break her happiness.

"Solange, do you know that that's impossible? We used protection! You totally couldn't get pregnant" I said, trying to explain to her that if she was pregnant, it wasn't mine. But she kept saying that the baby was mine and after hearing her say that for more than ten minutes, I started to believe her words and I was believing that maybe, that baby could be mine. "I still don't know how it happened if we used a condom" I said and I looked over at Justin, expecting to find him, but he had already disappeared from the room we were in.

"I don't know! Maybe the condom broke, or something" She said, that smile still on her face. I couldn't help but smile, even though I knew I wasn't ready to have my second child. I have Justin! How am I going to balance my life with him and my life with Solange, Charlie and the baby? I had a choice, and the choice I had to make was choose one of them as my priority. My priority is Solange and my kids. But I don't want to let Justin go if he belongs to me. "I think maybe you should come live with me to help me out with the baby and Charlie. I can't live all by myself, now that I'm pregnant, right?" "Yes I know that" I said, thinking of Justin and what I could do.

I saw Justin and Charlie coming downstairs, and Charlie smiled, running over to me and Solange. He smiled. "Mommy! Daddy!" Charlie shouted, hugging both of our legs. "Hello sweetheart. Did you have fun here at daddy's house?" She asked and Charlie nodded frantically. "Yes I did! I have a new friend, it's Justin. He is very fun and friendly and I like him very very very much mommy" Charlie said what made Justin smile widely. Solange's smile faded away when she heard what Charlie said, but still trying to keep a smile on her face. "I bet he is" She replied. "Mommy can I come here more often? I like playing with Justin he makes good meals too, it's really yummy" I noticed Solange getting a little mad but she tried to hide it.

"Well, we have to go now" She said. My Charlie pouted, holding her hand.

Before going, she glared at me. "I'll talk to you later, Jason. Bye" She said and the last thing I did before she left was look at her stomach. Was she really carrying another baby? They left, and I noticed Justin wasn't next to me anymore.

I went upstairs, seeing Justin sitting on his king sized bed, playing with one of his fingers. He seemed bored. "Hey my love, you seem bored. Do you want to go out with me or something?" I tried to invite him, but he shook his head no.

It was understandable.

"Look, I don't want you to be mad love" I said, sitting right next to him and I held his hand on mine.

He looked at me. "What are you going to do?" He asked a question that I didn't have the answer, yet. "I don't know" I said, staring at the white wall in front of us.

"You can't keep me here" He said and I immediately looked over at him shaking my head no. "There's no way I am going to let you go!" I spoke, getting up. "I'm not going to lose you Justin no I'm not going to lose my precious" I said. Trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to lose him, but I knew it was the right thing to do.

"Jason do you see yourself living here plus your two kids, the mother of your kids and me? You have priorities and you just can't pretend you don't" Justin said, staring at his lap.

"I know it's only been like, weeks since you brought me here and I already like you very very much but I can't see you living a life like that when you have more important things to worry about than taking care of me like a babysitter, Jason. The decision is up to you but I'm just stating facts. I feel guilty being here, I feel like I shouldn't" Justin said and I kissed the tip of his nose.

"No! If you're here is because I want you to. I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't want to lose you" I said.

I've never cared for someone like I care for this young boy and I never beg for someone to stay with me. I am doing it because I like him... Because I need him. Somewhat he keeps me safe and keeps me sane. All of my friends got really surprised when they saw the way I treat Justin; and I never treated someone like I treat that boy and I want to know what the heck is going on with me. I feel like I can't leave him; I feel like he belongs to me, only. And he sure does. "I know, you've already said that you don't want to lose me like, four times. But like I told you, it's up to you. I really hope you make the right choice, but I'm not going to influence you in nothing." Justin said, giving me a small but warm smile. Oh, that smile. I smiled when I saw him smile, too. 

"You belong with me, okay little cupcake? I care about you so much, I could never let you go, Justin" I said. He nodded and hugged me. 

For some reason, when I hugged Justin, I felt like I had my world in my hands. 


damn jason 

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