One on ones/Remake Center

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A/N - Hey! So just a disclaimer for this chapter, there is mild language so PG-13 lol, Some of our characters drop the F bomb 😬 Enjoy! Ily! Comment, read and vote! 👊🏻 <3

"So, what are your main skills?" Asks Laney. " Umm... Nothing." I answer. She raises one eyebrow. "
Nothing... ? Alright. We need to figure this out quick.....Throw that knife. " she says pointing to a sharp knife on the table. " Excuse me? " I stutter. " Did I stutter? Throw the damn knife." Laney says clearly aggravated. I pick up the knife and whip it at a vent. To my surprise it sticks in the vent. " Whoa. Throw another! " says Laney. I pick up 3 knife and look for targets. I set my eye on a beautiful crystal vase... Fuck the Capitol. I whip the knife and hear glass shatter. Laney gasps. Just then our escort walks in. " Oh my god... MELANIE WHY ARE YOU THROWING STUFF!? WHY IS THERE A KNIFE IN THE VENT?! OH DEAR LORD! YOU. BROKE. MY. VASE!!!!! THAT WAS 500 DOLLARS!!!! YOUR LUCKY IM NOT GOING TO THROW YOU OFF THIS TRAIN!" Screams Nightphan . " Night-"  " DONT YOU NIGHTPHAN ME LANEY! WHY WOULD YOU LET HER BREAK STUFF? OUT! BOTH OF YOU!" Screams Nightphan. We both scurry out of the room and bump into Andrew. " Is it time for my one on one? " he asks. " Change of plans, They are canceled. Please go to your rooms, We will be arriving at the Capitol in about 1 hour. Then you will be sent to your stylists for the tribute parade. " Says Laney. I hurry off to my room. I might as well take a shower I guess.

I hop into the lavish shower and start pressing random buttons. First I press a button that lathers a cream on my hair that smells of strawberries. Then a gel gets washed over my hair and body that smells of lemons and spices. The next button I press sends a wave of a mixture of scalding hot and freezing cold jets zapping at my body. I finally find the button that will scrub away all of the dirt and grime on my body.  Pulsing jets clean my body as fast as lightning. Then I shut of the shower in search of a towel when suddenly I am hit with a current of electricity that dries my red hair into a soft, detangled sheet.
It feels nice to be clean.

I open a closet to find a bunch luxurious outfits. I choose a soft knit sweater and a pair of light blue jeans. I pull on a pair of soft white socks paired with a pair of black flat sneakers. I look in the mirror and I feel great. I part my hair and braid it into a French Plait going down my back. My hair is down to my rib cage. I've never gotten a haircut before so that's why it's so long for someone my age. I put on my glasses and look at myself once more in the full mirror, I look and feel great. Finally in nice clothing not even the mayor could afford, clean and and a sick , sadistic, ultimately death.
Welcome to Panem, where your kids are killed on live television for our entertainment! What a great time to be alive!
" Melanie! We're at the Capitol Hun! "
" Coming !"

This is going to be fabulous isn't it?


I'm sure all of you have always wanted to have your name cheered by a couple hundred to thousands of strangers. Yeah. Not me.

As we get off the train I hear deafening shouts, " Melanie! Melanie! Andrew! Andrew! " as we get off the train. I attempted to hide behind Andrew but Nightphan insisted I shake and hands and blow kisses. Stating that it will get me sponsors.
Well, Nightphan. These people are actually excited that I'm going to die so, I couldn't care any less about these lunatics.

Except I don't say that aloud.
As we enter the remake center I see quite the variety of Capitol citizens. 3 of which have plastic surgery to have their faces altered to look like animals. I see a Tiger, a bunny rabbit ( ears and tail included .) and.. Wait for it, A duck. I'm disgusted with these people. If they even classify as people. I see people who's faces are Altered to look like one of a baby's , multicolored skin. Tattooed eyeballs, and fur, yes real fur growing out of their skin in a variety of colors and patterns and that's just to name about a quarter of the things I saw. 

When we reach the inside of the remake center it smells strongly of antiseptic, and it's a very sterile environment. I hear a sound of fabric ripping. Little did I know it wasn't fabric.

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