Day one of training

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I get up out of bed and I see my training outfit on my drawers. I quickly change into my clothing and head to the dining room for a quick breakfast.
I sit down in a plush velvety chair and fill my plate with eggs, bacon and toast. An avox pours a glass of orange juice in a crystal glass. Soon the seats fill up and everyone is seated.

" Andrew, Melanie, we need to discuss your plans for training."  Says Laney.
" Okay." We both answer.
" So, Melanie has proven to have some strengths with throwing knives. Andrew is good with weights. I want you guys to learn every single survival skill, all the edible berries and how to find water and make shelter. Who knows what this years games will bring. I also want you guys to start making allies. I know Melanie wants the twins from 3. How about you Andrew?"
" I want to be apart of the careers." He says.
Laney drops her glass.
" You what?! That's walking into death! " She practically shouts.
" They're strong and I know I'm not going to win." He says sadly.
" Whatever." Laney says.
" Oh dear! Look at the time. Time to get you to the training floor. " says Laney.
We all walk into the pristine glass elevator. In about 10 seconds we arrive at the training center. We are the last tributes there.

We hurry into the circle around the training leader, Alta.
" Aha! Now, in two weeks 24 of you will be dead. One will be alive and who that is depends of how close you pay attention today. I will start by naming some simple rules.
No fighting, you'll have plenty of time for that in the arena. We have professionals to help you with hand to hand combat.
Now I know you guys are just aching to get your hand on a weapon. But don't ignore the survival skills, exposure can kill as easily as a knife.
Now go, remember what I said about survival skills."
Alta says.

I wander off into a station where I learn how to make a fire. In about 3 hours I've learned all the basic knots, and survival skills. At the edible plants station I see Nathan and Bridget , the twins.
" Um hey. I was wondering if you guys wanted to be allies." I say in a shy voice.
They both look at each other.
" Well can we trust you?" Says Nathan.
" Of course. We are all 12. I wouldn't try to hurt you guys. I might as well go out with kids my age. "
" Alright then. " Says Nathan.
" Allies? " I ask.
" Allies." They both say as we shake hands.
" So what's your skill? " Says Bridget.
" Throwing Knives. How about you two? "
" Whips." Says Bridget.
" Fire." Says Nathan.
" Wow, we are going to be lethal. Do you guys want any other allies? " I ask.
" We were thinking about the girl from 11 , Rye. " says Bridget.
" Let's go ask her."  I say.

We find her at the obstacle course. She is practically flying around the ropes. When she is done we walk up to her.
" Hey do you want to be allies? " says Bridget.
" I don't know... What are your skills? " Rye says.
" Fire, Whips and Knives. We also know basic survival skills and how to tie knots, make traps, and how to catch and cook animals." Says Nathan.
" You guys are only 12. How do I know you're not gonna be a bloodbath tribute? "
" We're all fighters. We know how to get by with little food. We're from the poorer districts like you. District 3 and District 5.. We are all the poor kids of the district. " I say.
" Alright then. Allies it is." She says as she shakes our hands.
Suddenly she starts to get emotional.
" What's wrong?" Says Bridget.
" I'm going to protect you guys. My little sister was in the games when I was 14. Her name was Rue. She was only 12 years old. ( A/N I know this doesn't match up with the true story but I had to put it in) I knew I should've volunteered. But our whole family had agreed on not volunteering for anyone. Regardless of the circumstances. I watched her die in the hands of district one . Guys, we have to make District one pay. This years male tribute is the brother of the one who killed my sister." Rye says.

As if he had a cue, Marvel Man, district ones tribute walks up to us.
" Listen you rats. Rye here's sister was the reason my brother died. You creatures will pay. I can't wait to see my spear go right through your bodies, I can't wait to your cold , colorless faces as I use my knife on your lifeless faces and paint pictures using your blood as paint. Just wait until we get into the arena. I'm going to kill you worthless 12 year olds first and save little miss Rye here for the grand finale. The Capitol will love it. They are all rooting for me. " he says.
He walks away and we all exchange worried looks.
" I'm going to light him on fire! Nobody talks to my friends and sister like that!" Nathan says.
" Let's just focus on learning new ways to kill him." Says Rye as we split up.

4 hours later training is finished.
We go up the elevator and I immediately hop into the luxurious bed and fall into a dreamless sleep.

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