Training One on Ones + Results

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I woke up to nightphans annoying voice.

" Wake up! You must impress the gamemakers today in the one on ones!"

"Ugh okay im going." I say frustrated.

I change into my training clothes and hurry downstairs.
I eat a quick breakfast and before I know it I'm waiting in line for the one on ones. I wait for 25 minutes when the electronic voice says

" Melanie Leeks "
I stand up and walk out of the titanium door. I walk slowly to the middle of the training center. Then it hits me. I'm going to use the same method , Johanna Mason used during her games. Act all weak and innocent so people forget about me.
" Melanie Leeks, District 5 "
I say out loud to the game makers above.
The room falls silent and all I can hear in the steady beat of my heart in a few weeks it will cease to sound. I pick up an axe. A weapon I am unfamiliar with. I throw it at the target, missing it by a mile. A burst of laughter erupts from the game makers. I smile to myself. Then I go to the obstacle course. I climb halfway up and then lose my grip and fall. More laughter is heard. I stand up smiling. I then walk over to the edible plants test. Making sure I fail at every single one.
A bell signals that my time is up.
I walk out of the room and go onto the elevator up to our floor.

Time skip to the results

We all pile into the living room. I sit on a plush velvet seat. Then the Capitol anthem is heard on the television. Caesar Flickerman appears on the screen with fluorescent green hair, lips , and eyebrows.
" Hello citizens of Panem! My name is Caesar Flickerman, and in my hands I have the training results for all 24 tributes! "
" Marvel Man with a score of 11! "
  My heart drops.
" Bridget Weblark with a score of 5!"
" Nathaniel Weblark with a score of 5!"
" Melanie Leeks with a score of 2!"
" Andrew Stamos with a score of 9!"
" Rye Lesser with a score of 10!"
Everyone just looks at me.
Laney speaks up " Johanna Mason, That's what you and the twins are trying to do. I'm good friends with their mentor. As soon as she found out you guys were allies she told them to act weak. But I guess you just took it upon yourself with that idea. Good job. Now get to sleep you two, you have the interviews tomorrow." And with that we all hurry to our rooms.


First of all, sorry this chapter is so short

Hey so thanks so much for 200 reads! It really means a lot to me! I apologize for the slow updates, I have practice 4/7 days of the week but I'll try and update more!

Dedicated to ThatOneTimelord
Wish her a happy birthday! 

There might be a double update today idk I wanna start writing a bunch of chapters so I can have an updating schedule ✌🏻️

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