Chapter 9

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Lynells pov

I was in my room getting ready for my date with Harry. OMG don't fangirl arrrrrr. I slid on my black dress that Harry picked, it had gold sparkles dotted on the bottom and it to about mid theigh. I put on my natural make-up, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss. I admired myself in the mirror before there was a knock on the door indicating that it was time to go. "Hey" hesaid coming into my room. "You look gorgeous, babe" he spoke pecking me on the lips. "Legooooo" I screamed and with that we headed out to his Audi R8. Like the gentlemen he is he opend the door for me awwwww he is so charming. "Thanks" I said looking up at him, his bright green eye shone down at me full of happiness. His lips looked delicious.

He got into the drivers seat and sped of to I have no idea where. "Where are we going?" I asked the smile never leaving my face. "Thats for me to know and you to find out" he spoke. "Ok" I laughed. "Were here!" He yelled, "why do you need to yell? I'm sat only inches away from you" I giggled. "Sorry" he replied.

I got out and looked around, we were at the london eye which was lit up beautifully in the darkness of the night."you like?" He asked. "I love" I replied. He led my over to one of the carriage things and we hopped in. There was a table and two chairs set up in the middle. We took our seats and a man came in with two plates. He placed one infront of me and one infront of Harry. Of course it was his favourite, tacos. Luckly I loved them too. "Wow I love these" I said. He smiled and replied with "I know". "Wait how did you know" I asked. "Well I asked a few people what you like, well I knew some things myself from when talked when we first met" he said smiling, exposing his adorable dimples which made me smike even more. "U have dimples too, we can be dimple buddies" I said between mouth fulls of taco. "Ok then, dimple buddie" I winked.

When we finished our food the wheel stopped at the bottom and let us out. There was a bunch of fangirls stood behind barriers. "Lynell, can I have ur autograph?" someone shouted. "Sure" I replied and went over to the bunch of crazed fans. I signed a few peoples books and shirts as did Harry. This felt really strange but I guess I will have to deal with it. I felt a hand grab mine and I looked up to see Harry smiling doen at me awwwww cute. We walked back to his car and headed back to my house.


The drive was fine until a very unexpected disaster happened...

Suddenly there was bright lights and a car smashed straight into my side of the car. I looked down and saw blood, then I realised it was mine. That was all I remembered before everything went black.

Harry's pov

The car went spinning and the back smashed straight into a tree. I wasnt hurt I just had an achey neck. I looked over too Lynell. SHIT. she was covered in blood thats when I realised the car went into her side. WHY DOES IT HAPPEN TO HER, CANT IT BE ME? "Lynell are u ok?" I yelled. No reply. shit. Shit shit shit shit. Thats when heard sirens and lights came flashing towards us.

Lynell was carried in to the ambulance along with me. I hope shes ok.

Emilys pov

We were just about to leave for our date, when suddenly louis phone started ringing making me jump. "Hi Harry, whats up?" Louis said into the phone. "Ok we will be right there cya" he said looking worried. " in the car now!!!" He yelled. I got into the car and asked him what happened- "Lynell and Harry got in a crash and Harry's ok but Lynell is so badly hurt that she ended up in a coma" he said, then started to sob quietly. i burst into floods of tears, Great just great, now my best mate is hurt arrrrr.

And there goes my date down the drain...

Harry's pov

"Is she ok?" I asked as the doctor came out of her room. "She is still in a coma if she doesn't wake in a few days we will have to do more tests and she may not wake up, but hopefully she wake in around 3-4 days " he said " ok" I replied and she walked off. Just then I burst out crying. I have never cried over a girl before, I think shes changing me.

I went into her room and grabbed a chair and sat beside her bed, grabbed hold of her hand and cried. And cried. And cried...


Ohhhhh so... What's gunna happen? You'll have to wait and see.

Sorry for not updating in like... Forever but thanks for reading!!!!

116 READS!!! Aaaaaaghhhh

Lynell and Emily xoxo

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