Chapter 10

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Harry's POV

After a full half an hour of crying, Louis burst through the door with Emily not long after.

The sight they saw made their eyes turn gray. Emily burst into tears and Louis let out a huge gasp before pulling a chair up beside the bed next to me.

"Harry I'm so sorry!" Said Louis, hugging me. I hugged him back, whilst Emily was beside Lynell sobbing. I felt so helpless. It was MY fault this happened. MY fault that the car smashed into her side. If I had looked at what was happening I could have avoided this accident! I will NEVER forgive myself for this! EVER!

"How. Long. Until. She. Wakes. Up" Emily asked between sobs. Her face was bright red and her hands were trembling violently. I hated watching her seeing her best friend ever in this situation...

"The nurse said in the next 3-4 days. But if she doesn't she said... She...she..-" I broke down at this point. Tears spilled down my face like a waterfall.. I felt my self cry harder at the thought. My head is aching really bad from all this crying. I dont know what to do...

"N-no she won't" stuttered Emily, obviously knowing roughly what my answer was going to be. "She'll wake up any day now... She's not going anywhere!" Shouted Emily, putting her hands to her forehead in stress... I felt like I could punch a wall or snap an iron bar into two because I am so frustrated right now!

The three of us stayed beside her for another half an hour or so before a nurse came in and directed us to leave.

"Excuse me, but I'm very sorry. Visiting hours are over. You're going to have to leave now. We'll let you know as soon as anything new comes up. Ok?" The nurse said to us in a kind but creepy way. I felt so so sorry for Lynell having to listen to her voice every time she comes in to check in her.

Louis and Emily whispered their goodbyes to Lynell before leaving the room as asked.

"I'm not leaving!" I stated simply, looking over at Lynell and moving my chair beside her bed.

"I'm sorry sir, but you have to. It's the rules. Everyone has to follow them" The nurse said to me, gesturing her hand towards the door. I burst into tears again.

"I do not care about the f*cking rules! I do not care what you say. My girlfriend is in a coma and there is no way I am leaving this room with out HER" I raged. I was do angry right now. If she asks me to leave one more time I am leaving myself with no option but to refuse.

"If you don't keep your voice down then I will have to call security to remove you from the building!" She said sternly. This woman is seriously crossing the line. Does she not understand. I am NOT leaving?

"I promise I won't do any harm. Just please let me stay. Please? I just don't want to leave her..." I said, breaking down at the end of her bed. My head began to bang on my skull, creating a huge headache. Great. Not...

"I'm not sure... I see your pressure. I'll see what I can do" with that she left the room with a strange look on her face. I know I keep thinking the same thing; but why? Why? Why does it have to be Lynell? Why not me? She didn't do anything wrong... It was me. I wasn't concentrating. Shouldn't it be me with the punishment? I escaped with a few cuts and bruises and a scrape down the side of my right leg. The same questions are on repeat in my head. I can't get them out!

Just then, the nurse returned and my head bolted up, hoping for the best.

"I spoke to a few staff for the 'Intensive Care' unit and they said you can stay. Just don't get your hopes up" I smiled at the ground and felt thankful for them letting me stay.

"Thankyou. When's her next check up?" I asked, always wanting new information.

"Another doctor or nurse will come in every two hours throughout the night so you may be woken a few times" the nurse said reassuringly.

"Well that depends if I DO actually get to sleep tonight. That ones going to be hard!" I said, running my hands through my hair. Something I do if I am anxious, annoyed or scared. I have been doing it a lot in the past two hours.

"Ok. The nurse will bring you a pillow and a blanket. There's a sofa in the corner" she said pointing over to the corner. I hadn't noticed that. Just the pile of chairs in the entrance.

The nurse left and I let out a huge sigh. I sat beside Lynells bed and took her hand in mine. It was cold and pale. I kissed the back if her hand repetitively... I leaned over get bed and kissed her on the forehead. 'I love you and I'm sorry' I whispered. 'I love you' I said again in her ear. I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand.

Lynell's POV

All I want to do is scream. Scream as loud as I can to let Harry know I can hear him. To let the nurses know their accusations are wrong. I heard Harry tell Louis about my condition, it's heartbreaking.


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Emily and Lynell :)

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