Chapter 1 (edited)

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"Come on, Old man! I got this! I've been doing this since I was 10! That's 7 years!"

"You will treat me with respect, young lady! I don't care how long you've been doing this, it's obvious that you don't know a thing about human emotions. You will go to that school, and that's that!"

With that, my father walked out of the room. I face planted on my bed, and rolled onto my back.


"Your old man giving you trouble again?" my old friend Grief asks.

Grief looks like his name would suggest. He always had a sad face that made people feel torn up. The features on his face drooped, and he was old as hell. Literally.

"Yeah. Why can't he get that I know what I'm doing?"

"Well..." He looked at me. "You can think of it as a vacation. The human world is actually quite fun."

"If you say so...You'll visit me, right?"

"Of course." He then disappeared.

Let me explain something real quick. All the demons and gods, no matter how minor, can poof into a room as they like, and be gone just as fast after their first 100 years. This is how humans get most of their emotions. As soon as they see our faces they get that feeling. They don't even know that we're there.

"Time to go!"

I spread out my black wings. The streaks of red contrasted against the rest of my person. I liked dark colors, but had the most pale skin. My raven black hair made me look sickly, and I was so skinny that you could see my ribs. Not a lot of good food in hell. My wings spread out to twice my height, and had soft feathers.

They carried me to the 6th gate of hell. There were 7 levels in total, and I lived on the 6th along with the other disliked gods. Only my father has ever been to the 7th level.

The gates carry you to wherever you need. I punched in the adress to my new school and folded my wings so that they weren't all over the place. And when I stepped through the gate, the feathers fell off and disappeared, the fleshy parts burnt off in a slightly painful manner, and I was left with only two small burn marks where my wings and back connected.

The gate had opened up to the back of my school. There was a forest surrounding three of the four sides of it. I moved around to the front of the school to see all the adolescent mortals.

Don't get me wrong, I'm also only 17, but they were so childish! Half of the females were clad in revealing clothing, and the other half were completely decked out in goth. The males wore almost the same clothes as all the other ones around them, and they were loud.

No one was like me. They didn't wear black jeans and royal blue shirts. They didn't carry one tiny bag that held everything that was necessary. They didn't carry a pair of scissors in their pocket wherever they went.

As I made my way through the crowd I tried not to draw attention to myself, but of course everyone stared. Trying to ignore them was difficult, and I was really uncomfortable with it. I finally got into the school, though, and went to the office to get my schedule.


"Sunder. Sunder Ties." Haha. To split apart ties. That's what my name means.

"Sunder, Sunder... here we are!" She smiled and held out the sheet of paper.

I took it and ducked out of the office. Ok, so far so good. What's next? Staring at the paper I realized that the times were when the class started, and it was almost time for the first one. I just needed to find out where that was. Room 729.

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