Chapter 11; Excuses

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“Fine, I don’t know what to believe yet, but I’ll be trained her by Zayn for a while, so you have some time to clean up your mess. Bye Louis” And with that I hung up, but before the call was ended I heard Louis mutter something in the phone that broke my heart completely.

“I love you, forever and always” And the phone shut dead.


 Louis’ POV

“I love you, forever and always” And she was gone. I sighed and decided to take a walk outside, just to clean my mind. I was in desperate need of it. I used my vampire speed to arrive at the huge, hollow tree in the outskirts of the garden I climbed to the top, where I had a view of the area around the garden. I tried to clear my mind of all thoughts, but Jessie’s beautiful creature just came creeping to my mind. I decided to give in and just think about her.

I thought she was beautiful before I turned her, long raven black hair in slight waves, chocolate brown eyes with a rebellish sparkle and sweet pink lips. Her body was perfectly curved and she got long, slim legs. She looked ravishing in whatever she wore and she could make the wall look exciting, by pointing at it.

She was even more beautiful as a vampire. Her black hair was blacker and longer, her brown eyes got a red tint that made them look rusty and her skin were paler and smooth, without a disturbance in her skin tone. Her body looked fit and she was even more ravishing in everything she wore. I never thought she could be more beautiful, but I was deadly wrong.

I was pulled out of my dream world of Jessie by Brianna’s screeching voice from the ground.

“Louis! Where are you?!” She screamed. Oh yeah… She was a vampire, but she never knew I was up here when I was thinking or depressed, and I had no intentions of her knowing it, so I just ignored her. I heard her huff and walk inside again. After a few minutes I heard a car starting up, signalizing she was leaving. I sighed and climbed down from my spot, walking inside and up to my room.

Jessie has to come back soon, or we’ll both die…

I thought and plumped down at my bed again.

Jessie’s POV

As I lay in my bed, I felt a hollow feeling in my heart, and I knew Louis was missing me. I felt terrible for just hanging up on him, but I had to focus on the training. I couldn’t sleep so I went out to the kitchen to get something to drink.

“Wanna start already?” Zayn’s silent voice in my ear startled me. I spun around and flitted to the farthest corner from him. “Easy there baby, it’s just me” He held his hands up in mock surrender.

“You should know you shouldn’t scare me at the middle of the night!” I scowled at him and filled my glass with cold water, but as soon as the water touched my tongue I spit it out.

“What, the hell, happened to the water?!” I hissed as I tried to get the horrible taste of my tongue.

“Yeah, the water is kinda bad this year…” Zayn tried hard not to laugh, but failed miserably. I was about to approach him when I felt something. It felt like someone poked my brain with a stick!

Jessie! You okay?! Thank god I reached through to you! Please babe, tell me you are okay…

Louis’ worried voice rang through my head and I scowled.

I’m fine! And why to you even care?! Aren’t you busy eating Brianna’s face off?!

I spat at him and I felt his hurt in my heart, but I didn’t care if I hurt him or not; He started it.

Brianna left hours ago… And I care because we’re mates, and you’re my girlfriend!

The care and honesty in his voice made my insides to melt away, but that didn’t mean I forgive him.

First of all; I’m not sure if Brianna really left, so I won’t say anything on that.

Second; I accept that we’re mates for now, your choices decides my future choices

Third; we’re not together! I broke up with you when I found out you were cheating on me with Brianna!

I knew I was harsh to him, but he deserved every bit of it and even more.

I did not cheat on you with Brianna. I called her because you cheated on me with Zayn!

Okay, he has now officially crossed the line!

Nothing happened between me and Zayn! The only reason I slept in his room was because I was scared of you! You hurt me physically and that scared the life out of me!

I was on the verge on crying and I ran up to my room.

I-I scared you…?

He sounded like he regretted everything, and his voice shook.

Yes, Louis! You scared me and I didn’t do anything to you! I was afraid you would hurt me again if I slept in your room.

Tears were running down my cheeks and stained the pillow under my head as I stared in the ceiling.

I.. I don’t know what to say… I’m so sorry, I would never hurt you!

This just fuelled my anger, he just did it.

That is too late, Louis! You already did!

And with that I pushed him out of my mind. I covered my face with my hands as it was a knock on my door.

“Jessie… Can I come in?” Zayn’s soft voice from outside spoke.

“Yeah…” I muttered and the door opened. Zayn walked to my bed and sat beside me. I sat upright and brushed away my tears.

“What happened? You just zoned out and then left crying up here” He sounded worried and I felt bad for him.

“Louis and I had a fight over the mind link…” I muttered and hid my face in my hands again. He pulled me to him and hugged me, stroking my back soothingly.

“I’m sure he’s sorry for what he did-…”

“He is, but he got some lame excuse for what he did” I cut him off and got up from the bed. “Can we start training now?”

“Sure, let me get ready first” Zayn flitted out my room and I went downstairs to wait for him. “Let’s go” He said and went outside before me.

Hey Fairies <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the last one. The last chapter was really hard for me to write, but I managed. I'm not sure when, but Brianna will appear again, so yeah.... I hate her!

Tell me what you think on my Twitter and Kik: I follow back, so just hit the follow button ;)

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Kik: SaraMariah

~ J

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