Chapter 17; Disconnections

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Louis’ POV

I bet if you took a x-ray of my chest now, you would find my heart in the pit of my stomach. It felt like someone ripped my heart out and stomped on it.

“Oh…” I said dumbly and released her. I couldn’t bear to see my own mate float away from me like that.

“Louis… It wasn-…” She started but I cut her off.

“No… I’ll just…” I trailed off and turned to the door, walking away from the most beautiful creature on the planet. I couldn’t believe I’m not her mate anymore, but Niall is! He doesn’t deserve him!

Neither do you…

A voice in my head called out. I sighed in defeat. I guess I didn’t deserve her either.

Jessie’s POV

To see Louis walk away from me, without me doing anything about it, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I had no idea of what was wrong with me, but I was certain that Louis was my mate, and not Niall.

“JESSIE!” I heard someone yell outside Louis’ window. I jumped quickly out of the bed and ran over to the window. Outside I saw Liam, Harry and Zayn trying to keep Louis still on the ground, but they struggled. I nodded quickly and was outside in a second.

“What happened?!” I asked Liam, who straddled Louis’ legs to the grass covered ground.

“You have to calm him down, before we can’t hold him anymore!” Liam said through gritted teeth, struggling to keep the thrashing Louis pinned to the ground.

“I don’t know if I can…” I whispered and looked at my feet.

“You have to try! Look at him!” Harry yelled. I glanced at Louis’ beautiful face. His eyes were dark crimson red, showing nothing but hatred and rage, his fangs were barred at Zayn and Harry, snapping after them.

“Okay…” I kneeling in front of his head and placed my hands on his cheeks, tilting his head so I could look him in the eyes. He fought against me at first, but when our eyes met, he gave up. I saw his eyes turn from dark red to sizzling blue. His fangs retracted to his gums and he stopped fighting against us. Harry and Zayn rose from his arms and stepped away from us, but Liam sat still on his feet.

“Jessie…” Liam mumbled warningly when he saw Louis’ eyes turn from shimmering blue, to a dangerous red colour again. I let go of Louis’ cheeks and stepped away quickly. Harry and Zayn were to slow for Louis and he jumped up, throwing Liam of his feet, and pinned me to a tree, in a heartbeat. My breath was ragged and my eyes were wide open as Louis caught my throat. I leaned my head back, to escape the pressure, my eyes not leaving Louis. His fangs were visible again and he looked like he inspected my neck. Suddenly I was thrown over his shoulder and he spun around, hissing at Liam, Harry and Zayn.

“Louis! Stop it!” I banged my fists on his back, but it didn’t seem to affect him. Louis turned around, so I faced the boys. “Help me!” Tears trickled down my cheeks as they disappeared as Louis ran into the forest. After a few seconds I couldn’t see them anymore.


I have no idea for how long Louis ran, but we stopped eventually and he put me down, but pinned me quickly to another tree. He was still his inner monster, and I felt useless. I was his mate, for crying out loud! I should be able to calm him down from this state!

“Louis… Please stop it…” I murmured and lifted my hands to touch his face, but he pinned it to the tree with his free hand. I inhaled sharply and just looked at him.

“Why do you do this?!” He growled at me, only a few inches between us. “You should be my mate for crying out loud!”

“Louis… I have no idea of what’s going on right now!” I said, my breath came out ragged and I was terrified of this side of Louis. “Please don’t hurt me…” I whimpered as he pressed me further up the tree. I closed my eyes, almost ready to welcome the darkness. But… It didn’t come… I opened my eyes and I saw nothing but fear and regret in his now blue eyes. He let me go and walked slowly backwards.

“Louis… I…”

“No! I almost hurt you! It can’t happen again!” And with that, he ran away from me, leaving me in the clearing of the forest. I let my hand fall down my side, tears started to well up in my eyes. I felt light-headed and tears streamed down my cheeks; falling down at the grass-green ground. I felt my knees giving in under me, darkness spotted my vision.

“Jessie…!” I heard faintly before everything went black.

Liam’s POV

I saw Jessie’s back a bit ahead of me as I ran to where I suspected them to be. I expected Louis to be there with her, but he was gone, vanished in the blue air. I saw, before it actually happened, that her knees went weak and she fell down at the ground.

“Jessie!” I yelled at her, before she blacked out. Shit! The rejection from Louis was too much for her and she fell into coma. I had to find Louis; he was her true mate and only he could wake her up now. He had to accept her as mate and kiss her, in order for her to wake up. And it had to happen quickly; too long in coma and she would be dead.

I picked her up bridal style and used my vampire speed to get back to the house. I gave her over to Zayn and flashed back to the clearing, deciding where to go from there.

Zayn’s POV

I took Jessie from Liam and flitted up to her room and placed her on the bed. She seemed peaceful, but she was fighting and struggling to survive inside. I knew, because I’d been there before.


“You got to be kidding me right now!” She tried to supress her laughter, but small giggles came out. She took one glance at my face, and saw that I’m not kidding. “You aren’t?!” Her laughter disappeared and the amusement in her eyes was replaced with anger and fear. “The Hell, Zayn?!! Are you crazy?!” She jumped off the couch and ran over to the corner, farthest away from me.

“Baby… I-…”

“Don’t baby me, Zayn! You’re a freaking monster!” She yelled in fear. She was right; I was a monster, but I was willing to change. For her.

“Perrie! Just hear me out okay? I don’t want to be like this! I want to change… For you!” I tried to walk to her, but she pressed herself further into the wall. I stopped.

“No Zayn! Just leave me alone! I don’t want to see you anymore! It’s over!” And with that she ran out the door and out of my life.

Flashback over

I hoped she would come back to me, giving in for the mate call, but she never did. I found out later that she killed herself out of it, rather to come back to me.

That thought broke my heart and tears started to run down my cheeks. God I miss her so much. Her hair, her eyes, her laugh, her scent, the way she cared about details… The way we cuddled up on the couch at our weekly movie night together…

We were engaged at that point, when she rejected me. Our wedding was only a few weeks away and I thought it was a good moment to tell her, but it turned out; I was wrong. I would give anything to get her back to me.

Hey there, Fairies!

I was in a good mood, so I gave you this... It's a really sad chapter, but you'll kill me when you read the next one, so save your weapons!

Hope you enjoyed and give me some thoughts about this chappie!

Live Love Laugh <3


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